Detecting and measuring nanos – Nanometrology
Detecting and measuring nanos – Nanometrology
By the AVICENN team – last modification in September 2024
Why detect and measure nanomaterials?
To comply with the law
Importers, producers and users of nanomaterials need to characterize their nanomaterials, establishing a sort of identity card specifying their physicochemical parameters in order to correctly fulfill the obligatory declaration of substances in nanoparticulate form and the European obligations (registration in REACH and labeling for cosmetics, biocides and food).
To better identify nanomaterials and take the necessary precautionary measures
There are still too little reliable data on the quantities and types of manufactured nanomaterials – or residues of these nanomaterials – released into the environment or in the workplace and to which ecosystems and human populations are exposed. Insofar as knowledge of the toxicity and ecotoxicity of these nanomaterials is still incomplete, acquiring a better understanding of these exposures is essential to better protect the environment and human health.
To provide, complete, clarify and/or verify this information, companies, laboratories and health or environmental agencies need tools and methods for detection, identification, quantification and monitoring of nanomaterials in different environments (air, water, soil, food, various objects), as well as in living organisms – and more particularly in the human body.
Different techniques available, to be combined for a better reliability
Until recently, there was a consensus on the lack of reliable (and affordable) nanometrology instruments and tools as well as a lack of shared methods. Things are changing: nanometrology has made great progress in terms of instrumentation and protocols:
- methods and analytical tools are now proposed to monitor the presence of nanomaterials in the air1On the control of the presence of nanomaterials in the air, see Evaluating and monitoring nanoparticle emissions in the workplace, veillenanos.fr and, regarding nanoparticle emissions in the environment, see
– Interim report – elements for environmental metrological monitoring of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles and feasibility review, HCSP, October 2019 (publication June 2020
– Estimation of average annual concentrations in the air around an industrial site producing substances in the nanoparticulate state – Cristal site – Thann, Titanium dioxide production unit, INERIS, October 2017
– Guide de surveillance dans l’air autour des installations classées – Retombées des émissions atmosphériques – Impact des activités humaines sur les milieux et la santé, INERIS, November 2016. - progress has also been made in the detection in surface water.
There is still a lot to do2Cf. – Quality of physicochemical data on nanomaterials: an assessment of data completeness and variability, Comandella D et al, Nanoscale, 7, February 2020 to improve them and have them adopted and respected by the entire scientific community (both academic and industrial).
Multiple parameters to take into account to characterize nanos
In order to assess the emerging risks associated with the release of nano-objects in commercial products and in the environment, it is necessary to know how to identify them. In 2012, ISO/TC 229, the technical committee in charge of nanomaterials for international standardization (ISO), proposed a list of parameters aimed at a better identification of nanoscale manufactured materials and a better physicochemical characterization (ISO/TR 13014:2012).
The detection of nanomaterials at low concentrations in soils and complex environments (food products, cosmetics, etc.) is still delicate and requires the use of expensive tools and various complementary methods, as no single technique can provide a complete understanding of all the parameters for characterizing nanoparticles. It is necessary to combine different analysis techniques – one of them being electron microscopy. The choice of the techniques to be used depends on the information that one wishes to obtain and any cost and/or time constraints.
What are the existing techniques?
There are direct and indirect techniques to measure the dimensional properties of particles. Electron microscopy is the most powerful technique to identify the shape of particles. This makes it the most “versatile” technique (able to characterize a very wide variety of substances in terms of shape, size, chemical compound), which is very important considering that there are relatively few spherical nanoparticles.

Considered necessary for several years, work on harmonizing and intercalibrating the measurement methods3See
– Nanomaterials: A review of definitions, applications and health effects. How to implement a secure development, Eric Gaffet, Comptes Rendus Physique, Volume 12, number 7, pages 648-658, September 2011
– Safety of Nanomaterials, Reduction of Exposure State of the art and developments, François Tardif, presentation at the day “Regards sur les nanotechnologies : enjeux, débats, perspectives”, Institut de Maîtrise des Risques, October 18, 2011
– See Requirements on measurements for the implementation of the European Commission definition of the term “nanomaterial, Joint Research Center (JRC), 2012 (see the French summary on the Eurosfaire website or the NanoNorma website)is now underway. Research work is now making these tools more effective and should lead to further significant progress as well as to harmonization (at least at the European level) in the years to come.
Sample preparation
For manufactured and industrial products, the sampling step is a key step to avoid distorting the measurements. It requires a high level of expertise.
The detection of nanomaterials in living organisms
Even more delicate, the detection of nanomaterials in living organisms is also the subject of research and notable progress4See for example: An analytical workflow for dynamic characterization and quantification of metal-bearing nanomaterials in biological matrices, Monikh FA et al, Nature protocols, 2022.
What initiatives exist to enable better identification and characterization of nano-objects?
- In December 2019, the European Joint Research Center (JRC) published a report to help companies determine if their materials are nanomaterials.
- In February 2020, ANSES finalized a very important report, with the help of LNE. This “Review of available analytical methods for the characterization of nano-objects” aims to avoid misclassification and deficient risk analysis due to inappropriate analytical approaches and to anticipate the revision of the definition recommendation of the term “nanomaterial” by the European Commission.
- In May 2020, the work of the NanoMetrology Club was published: the inter-comparison aimed at evaluating the practices of different French stakeholders to characterize the size distribution of nanoparticles via the SMPS technique5An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosol size measurements by mobility spectrometers, Gaie-Levrel F et al (LNE), Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 22 : 103, 2020 (Electric Mobility Spectrometer). This shows that the SMPS technique, mainly used to characterize the granulometry of particles in aerosol phase (air quality & occupational exposure to nanoparticles), allows to successfully characterize the distribution of nanoparticles in colloidal solution on a size range going from a few nanometers up to about 500 nm after an aerosolization step. This is considered as very interesting by LNE, given its sensitivity, resolution and accessible size range.
- In mid-June 2021, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) published a report on the physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles in food additives. Produced with Sciensano & the support of the Joint Research Center (JRC), it presents tests conducted by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and (sp)ICP-MS.
- In 2022, a “NanoMesureFrance center” was created in France, supported by LNE.
- On December 14, 2022, the DGCCRF published the Note méthodologique relative à l’analyse des nanoparticules et à la caractérisation des nanomatériaux présents dans des produits de consommation (Methodological note on the analysis of nanoparticles and the characterization of nanomaterials present in consumer products) written by the Service commun des laboratoires (SCL).
- On February 23, 2023, NanoMesureFrance published a “Reaction to the SCL’s methodological note” summarizing the main information contained in the SCL’s note and listing possible actions, within NanoMesureFrance, to contribute to a better identification of nanomaterials.
To be continued…
In French :
- AI enhances chemical analysis at the nanoscale, EPFL, 13 August 2024
- Reaction to the SCL methodological note“, NanoMesureFrance, 23 February 2023
- Methodological note on the analysis of nanoparticles and the characterization of nanomaterials in consumer products, Joint Laboratory Service (JLS), December 2022
- How to properly classify a chemical substance as a “nanomaterial“, LNE
- The NanoMetrologIA platform – Artificial intelligence to make nanoparticle characterization more efficient and rapid, LNE, 19 May 2022
- Laboratory accredited ISO 17025 by COFRAC for the characterization of nanomaterials, FILAB, May 2021 and FILAB – Characterization of nanomaterials, interview of Thomas Gautier, April 2021
- The NanoMesureFrance innovation center financed by the Ile-de-France region, LNE, 12 April 2021
- SERVICES: SUBSTANCES & PRODUCTS – Physical characterization of materials and nanomaterials: size, shape, local elemental composition, INERIS (page consulted in November 2020)
- Vibrational spectroscopy now analyzes other forms of nanoparticles, CNRS Institute of Chemistry (INC), September 1, 2020
- The new territories of microscopy, Romain Hecquet, CNRS, Le journal, 29 June 2020
- How to properly classify a chemical substance as a “nanomaterial”, LNE, May 2020
- Review of available analytical methods for the characterization of nano-objects, their aggregates and agglomerates in order to meet regulatory requirements, Anses, February 2020
- Two new EDX detectors from Oxford Instruments for LNE’s scanning electron microscope (ZEISS Microscopy Ultra+), LNE Nanotech, January 10, 2020: the UltimMax 65 for routine tasks and the UltimMax Extrem particularly adapted and agile for chemical nano-analysis.
- Additives, nanoparticles and food, how to meet regulatory requirements and control risks?LNE, December 3, 2019
- Characterize the size of nanoparticles to control your raw materials, LNE, October 14, 2019
- Contribution of ICPMS for the characterization of metallic nanoparticles in consumer products. A tool of choice to meet regulatory challengesMathieu Menta, University of Pau, 7 CETAMA technical days, October 2019
- Detection and characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in foods by AF4-ICP-MS and Sp-ICP-MS, Thesis by Lucas Givelet, Chemical Engineering, Université Grenoble Alpes, October 2019.
- Nanomaterials: definition, identification and characterization of materials and associated occupational exposures, INRS, Hygiène et sécurité du travail, n°256, September 2019
- Characterization of unintentional nanometric particles emitted in different work environments, IRSST (Canada), September 2019
- Nanoscale standards for AFM and SEM microscopes, CNRS, February 21, 2019
- Characterizing nanomaterials, CEA Liten, September 20, 2018
- Discover cryomicroscopy, CNRS, June 21, 2018
- Nanometrology, Georges Favre, LNE, presentation at the NanoResp forum, 19 June 2018
- IEMN creates a joint research team with Horiba France on advanced characterization of nanomaterials, April 2018
- The infinitely small is measured in Trappes – LNE Nanotech laboratory consolidates its nanoparticle-related activities, Le Parisien, February 27, 2018
- Characterizing nanomaterials, LNE, September 2017
- Properly characterizing the infinitesimally small to contribute to the responsible development of nanotechnologies, Nicolas Feltin, Les Echos, September 19, 2017
- Detection of manufactured nanoparticles in drinking water and food additives, Sivry Y, ANSES Scientific Watch Bulletin, No. 31, May 2017
- Observing and analyzing soils at small scales: from the micro to the nano, webinar, Isabelle Basile Doelsch (INRA / CEREGE), 9 March 2017
- Marina – Panorama des techniques de caractérisation des nanomatériaux, Guinot C and Lacoste C, CTCPA / CEA, January 2017
- ISO/TR 18196:2016(en) Nanotechnologies – Matrix of measurement methods for manufactured nano-objects, ISO, 2016
- Characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in foods by AF4-ICP-MS coupling and single particle-ICP-MS approachLucas Givelet’s thesis, under the supervision of Jean-François Damlencourt and Thierry Guerin (ANSES), at Grenoble Alpes , in the framework of I-MEP2 – Engineering – Materials, Mechanics, Environment, Energy, Processes, Production, in partnership with CEA Grenoble/LITEN/DTNM/SEN/LR2N (laboratory) since February 2016 .
- A simple test kit for the detection of nanoparticles, Nanowerk, February 20, 2015
- Microscopy, how far can we see?an illustrated file from INRA, 2015
- Dimensional metrology of nanoparticles measured by AFM and SEM, Alexandra Delvalllée, chemistry thesis, LNE, Ecole Polytechnique Université Paris Saclay, ENSTA Paris Tech, December 2014
- Measurement, control and characterization of nanoparticles – Procedure applied to machining and mechanical friction, IRSST, May 2014
- Metrology of nanoparticles: new advances?, Bulletin de veille scientifique (BVS), ANSES, December 2013
- A la chasse aux nanoparticules, L’Usine Nouvelle, n° 3276, 15 March 2012
In English:
- AI enhances chemical analysis at the nanoscale, EPFL, 13 August 2024
- Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology – 10th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials(CPD Accredited), April 2025
- NNI/NNCO, Metrology of Nanoparticles in Electronics, April 2024
- NNI/NNCO, Nanoscale Medical and Pharmaceutical Products, March 2024
- NNI/NNCO, Nanometrology for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, Februay 2024
- NNI/NNCO, An Introduction to Nanometrology: History, State-of-the-Art, & Philosophy, January 2024
- EFSA, Physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles in food additives in the context of risk identification, June 2021
- Nanoparticle Analysis – Correlating EDX, AFM and SEM Data, Digital Surf, Azonano, December 9, 2020
- An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosol size measurements by mobility spectrometers, Gaie-Levrel F et al (LNE), Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 22: 103, 2020
- Quality of physicochemical data on nanomaterials: an assessment of data completeness and variability, Comandella D et al, Nanoscale, 7, February 2020
- The NanoDefine Methods Manual, Mech A et al, JRC, Publications Office of the European Union, January 2020
- Identification of nanomaterials through measurements, Joint Research Center (JRC), December 2019
- JRC releases new certified reference material for nanoparticle size and shape analysis, JRC, August 29, 2019 (CRM ERM-FD103)
- Guiding principles for measurements and reporting for nanomaterials: physical chemical paramters – Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No. 91, OECD, 27 May 2019
- Physical-chemical decision framework to inform decisions for risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials – Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials No. 90, OECD, 27 May 2019
- Measuring nanoparticles in medicinal products, EU Science Hub (JRC), 10 May 2019
- Analytical Challenges and Practical Solutions for Enforcing Labeling of Nanoingredients in Food Products in the European Union, Correira M et al, “Nanomaterials for Food Applications” in Micro and Nano Technologies, 273-311, 2019
- Nanolockin, “detect your nanoparticles in complex media – simple & fast” (Switzerland)
- Proving nanoparticles in sunscreen products, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, August 3, 2015
- Toward Advancing Nano-Object Count Metrology: A Best Practice Framework, Environ Health Perspect, 11-12;121, September 2013
Zoom: Detection and characterization of nanomaterial residues in water
It is difficult today to detect nanoparticles in water at low concentrations 6Cf. von der Kammer, F et al, Analysis of engineered nanomaterials in complex matrices (environment and biota): general considerations and conceptual case studies, About. Toxicol. Chem., 31, 32e49, 2012.
Because of their small size and especially their strong reactivity, nanomaterials tend to interact with almost all the elements present in water, according to very variable configurations depending on their physicochemical characteristics and the composition of the medium: they can therefore undergo transformations in the aquatic environment.
French researchers we contacted deplore the lack of funding for the research work that should be necessary: they stated that, in the absence of specific regulations, there is no particular pressure to develop innovative techniques for detecting nanoparticles in water.
Progress is nevertheless being made thanks to the advancement of research and tools in this field7See in particular:
– Sewage spills are a major source of titanium dioxide engineered (nano)-particle release into the environment, Loosli F et al, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 6, 763-777, 2019
– The Nancy hydrology laboratory(LHN) of the French National Health Security Agency(ANSES) has acquired equipment to measure nanoparticles in water in order to conduct analyses starting in 2015.
– The intervention Jérome Rose (CEREGE) at the Synchrotron Soleil in March 2018; in short, the measurements use many techniques in combination of tools (CEREGE uses 7 different tools): X-rays come to the rescue of electron microscopy. Interactions with the nanoparticle matrix must also be studied. The Synchrotron, on the basis of preliminary measurements, makes it possible to characterize nanoparticles in complex media.
– Detection of manufactured nanoparticles in drinking water and food additives, Sivry Y, ANSES Scientific Watch Bulletin, No. 31, May 2017
– Detection and quantification of nanomaterials in natural waters by an integrated multi-tool approach, Karine Phalyvong, IPGP, November 2016
– The world’s first model for engineered nanoparticles in surface waters, Wageningen UR, June 3, 2015
– Characterization and detection of nanomaterials in surface waters, Wilkinson K et al. (University of Montreal), presentation at the 83rd Acfas Congress, Colloquium 210 – Presence, persistence, fate and effects of nanomaterials in the environment, May 2015
– A simple and sensitive biosensor for rapid detection of nanoparticles in water, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16:2253, January 2014
– Slide show presentation of the Aquanano program by Hélène Pauwels: “AQUANANO, Transfer of manufactured nanoparticles in aquifers: development of a methodology and identification of the processes” to J3N of the ANR November 2011: The Aquanano program has led to advances in the determination of nanoparticles in water, based on the use of devices for chemical and isotopic analysis (method for screening the presence of C60 in natural waters).
– Bibliographic overview of techniques for characterizing nanoparticles in water , M Blessing, JP Ghestem (BRGM), 2011.
- Nanoparticles in water: towards a very fast detection technology, Actu Environnement, 23 January 2020
- Detection of metal nanoparticles in 3 characteristic watersheds, Piren Seine annual conference: Quality of water and aquatic environments in the Seine basin: dynamics and trajectoriesMarc F. Benedetti (IPGP) Paris, October 5, 2017 (These are blind measurement campaigns in water, without prior assumptions on the flows of uses; the occupation mode of the territories being the criterion of choice: urban, agricultural and forest areas. The detection concerns titanium dioxide, cerium and nanosilver nanoparticles. The observed concentrations of nano-silver are a few tens of nanograms of nano-silver per liter (11 ng/l in urban areas, 8.4 in agricultural areas and 1.5 in forest areas). This would correspond to estimated inputs of 2 or 3 grams of nano-silver per km² per year, or 20 grams of Ag+ ion per km² per year)
- Analyzing Nanoparticles in Drinking Water by Single Particle ICP-MS, AzoNano and PerkinElmer Inc, July 2016
- The uses of nano silver and Proceedings of the May 6 session on nano silver, ForumNanoResp, May 2015 (paragraph on toxic risks and bacterial resistance)
- Nano-silver in drinking water and drinking water sources: stability and influences on disinfection by-product formation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(20): 11823-11831, October 2014
- Tracking dissolution of silver nanoparticles at environmentally relevant concentrations in laboratory, natural, and processed waters using single particle ICP-MS (spICP-MS), Environ. Sci.: Nano, 1, 248-259, 2014
- Silver (Ag, nanoAg) as an emerging contaminant in the Gironde estuary: scientific assessments and risk governance, Salles D. et al, ERS, 12: 317-323, July/August 2013
- Facing complexity through informed simplifications: a research agenda for aquatic exposure assessment of nanoparticles, Praetorius A et al, Environmental science Processes & impacts, 15(1): 161-8, January 2013
- Nanoparticles in drinking water, Kägi R., Eawag News 66, August 2009
Any questions or comments? This information sheet compiled by AVICENN is intended to be completed and updated. Please feel free to contribute.
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Upcoming Nano Agenda
- 6th interdisciplinary nanoscience congress, dedicated to all academic and industrial scientists in nanoscience and nanotechnology, including researchers, engineers, PhD students, post-docs, etc.
- March 18 to 21, 2025
- Organizers: Centre national de Compétences en Nanosciences du CNRS, C’Nano
- Website: https://cnano2025.sciencesconf.org

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- 10th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
- 14 and 15 April 2025
- Website: https://nanomaterialsconference.com

- 7th Environmental nanotechology Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
- Chairs: Peter Vikeslan and Denise Mitrano
- Date: June 1-6, 2025
- Website: https://www.grc.org/environmental-nanotechnology-conference/2025/
This sheet was originally created in April 2011
Notes and references
- 1On the control of the presence of nanomaterials in the air, see Evaluating and monitoring nanoparticle emissions in the workplace, veillenanos.fr and, regarding nanoparticle emissions in the environment, see
– Interim report – elements for environmental metrological monitoring of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles and feasibility review, HCSP, October 2019 (publication June 2020
– Estimation of average annual concentrations in the air around an industrial site producing substances in the nanoparticulate state – Cristal site – Thann, Titanium dioxide production unit, INERIS, October 2017
– Guide de surveillance dans l’air autour des installations classées – Retombées des émissions atmosphériques – Impact des activités humaines sur les milieux et la santé, INERIS, November 2016 - 2Cf. – Quality of physicochemical data on nanomaterials: an assessment of data completeness and variability, Comandella D et al, Nanoscale, 7, February 2020
- 3See
– Nanomaterials: A review of definitions, applications and health effects. How to implement a secure development, Eric Gaffet, Comptes Rendus Physique, Volume 12, number 7, pages 648-658, September 2011
– Safety of Nanomaterials, Reduction of Exposure State of the art and developments, François Tardif, presentation at the day “Regards sur les nanotechnologies : enjeux, débats, perspectives”, Institut de Maîtrise des Risques, October 18, 2011
– See Requirements on measurements for the implementation of the European Commission definition of the term “nanomaterial, Joint Research Center (JRC), 2012 (see the French summary on the Eurosfaire website or the NanoNorma website) - 4See for example: An analytical workflow for dynamic characterization and quantification of metal-bearing nanomaterials in biological matrices, Monikh FA et al, Nature protocols, 2022
- 5An intercomparison exercise of good laboratory practices for nano-aerosol size measurements by mobility spectrometers, Gaie-Levrel F et al (LNE), Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 22 : 103, 2020
- 6Cf. von der Kammer, F et al, Analysis of engineered nanomaterials in complex matrices (environment and biota): general considerations and conceptual case studies, About. Toxicol. Chem., 31, 32e49, 2012
- 7See in particular:
– Sewage spills are a major source of titanium dioxide engineered (nano)-particle release into the environment, Loosli F et al, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 6, 763-777, 2019
– The Nancy hydrology laboratory(LHN) of the French National Health Security Agency(ANSES) has acquired equipment to measure nanoparticles in water in order to conduct analyses starting in 2015.
– The intervention Jérome Rose (CEREGE) at the Synchrotron Soleil in March 2018; in short, the measurements use many techniques in combination of tools (CEREGE uses 7 different tools): X-rays come to the rescue of electron microscopy. Interactions with the nanoparticle matrix must also be studied. The Synchrotron, on the basis of preliminary measurements, makes it possible to characterize nanoparticles in complex media.
– Detection of manufactured nanoparticles in drinking water and food additives, Sivry Y, ANSES Scientific Watch Bulletin, No. 31, May 2017
– Detection and quantification of nanomaterials in natural waters by an integrated multi-tool approach, Karine Phalyvong, IPGP, November 2016
– The world’s first model for engineered nanoparticles in surface waters, Wageningen UR, June 3, 2015
– Characterization and detection of nanomaterials in surface waters, Wilkinson K et al. (University of Montreal), presentation at the 83rd Acfas Congress, Colloquium 210 – Presence, persistence, fate and effects of nanomaterials in the environment, May 2015
– A simple and sensitive biosensor for rapid detection of nanoparticles in water, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16:2253, January 2014
– Slide show presentation of the Aquanano program by Hélène Pauwels: “AQUANANO, Transfer of manufactured nanoparticles in aquifers: development of a methodology and identification of the processes” to J3N of the ANR November 2011: The Aquanano program has led to advances in the determination of nanoparticles in water, based on the use of devices for chemical and isotopic analysis (method for screening the presence of C60 in natural waters).
– Bibliographic overview of techniques for characterizing nanoparticles in water , M Blessing, JP Ghestem (BRGM), 2011