Nanomaterials can be used in many different ways and concern many fields of application: food, cosmetics, clothing and textiles, household appliances, electronics and digital (screens), sports equipment, glass and construction materials, aeronautics, cars (bodywork, paints, windows, tires, fuels, …), boats, armament & defense, etc.
As the labeling obligation is currently only valid for a few product categories (cosmetics, biocides and food) and its implementation is poorly respected, it is very difficult today to know if a specific product contains nanomaterials.
The few available inventories that can be consulted to try to get an idea of the types of products involved do not provide solid, accurate and/or up-to-date information.
That is why we invite you to support our work to obtain more transparent information, through product testing, advocacy for the generalization of [nano] labeling and reliable and publicly accessible registers: the improvement of the r-nano register and the establishment of a European register are among our priorities.
The information sheets on the subject
Upcoming Nano Agenda
- Awareness-raising aimed at personnel in contact with nanomaterials during research, formulation, production, maintenance, cleaning, upkeep, etc., as well as safety coordinators or engineers, facility managers, heads of laboratories where nanoparticles are handled.
- Organizers: INSTN Grenoble (CEA)
- On the agenda: potential impact on health; metrology and protection; control of potential risks associated with nanomaterials; consideration of societal aspects.
- Website:
- 11th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
- Forum aimed at personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies, and other relevant organisations
- Organizers: the leading EU-funded H2020 Projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, and SUNSHINE
- 23 – 25 September 2024
- Site internet:
- As part of the “unusual CNRS visits” program, “Dive into the invisible world of atoms: explore nanotechnologies” : discover how nano-objects are manufactured and analyzed, with control and ultimate spatio-temporal resolutions of around 1/10,000 meters, in spaces exceptionally open to the public.
- Organizer: Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N), a flagship laboratory for research in nanoscience and nanotechnology in France (CNRS)
- Site internet :…