Consultation on improving information on nanos in France

The French Ministry of Ecological Transition has launched a consultation on the format and content of the r-nano report published each year.
The survey, composed of around twenty questions, is to be completed online by September 30.

Towards a new, more accessible and usable format?

The French Ministry of Ecological Transition’s General Direction of Risks Prevention (DGPR) has launched a consultation on the format and content of the r-nano report published each year on the Ministry of Ecological Transition‘s website and the R-Nano register site, as part of a “reflection on a possible revision of its format”. To this end, it has published this survey, composed of around twenty open and closed questions, to be completed by September 30.

→ The stakes are indeed high: in its current state, the annual report is poorly accessible and usable (over 1,000 pages for the latest pdf report posted online, lists à la Prévert where pivot tables would be far more useful, etc.). Each year, AVICENN strives to extract the most useful and salient information1See, for example, our articles on the last 2 reports, published in April 2024 and April 2023, but it’s a rather tedious exercise. This is borne out by the small number of references to this annual review in scientific articles, institutional publications, the media and social networks.

For those of you who would like to dig deeper, here’s also :

Other projects underway for the r-nano register

Other works are underway at the French national health agency (Anses) to enhance the robustness and use of data from the r-nano register, and will be unveiled at the end of 2024.

For its part, AVICENN has been asking for several years for measures without which transparency and vigilance on nanos will remain empty words:

  • Include, in the r-nano register, products containing declared nanos and make available to the public information on these products and the precise volumes of nanosubstances declared, by sector of use (agriculture, paints, cosmetics, food, etc.); these data are necessary for improving risk assessment and minimizing potential unintended exposure and environmental contamination resulting from their use.

Next nano events

Nanotox 2024 (Projets H2020, Venice)
  • 11th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
  • Forum aimed at personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies, and other relevant organisations
  • Organizers: the leading EU-funded H2020 Projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, and SUNSHINE
  • 23 – 25 September 2024
  • Site internet:
The surprising properties of nanoparticles (CEREGE, La Roque d’Anthéron – France)
La Roque d'Anthéron
  • As part of the Fête de la science 2024, this workshop will explore some of the surprising properties of nanoparticles through fun experiments, as well as the products in our environment that contain them. Animated videos from the “Did you know?” series will complete the tour.
  • Organizers: CEREGE
  • Website:
Visit of a laboratory where nanos are manipulated (C2N, Palaiseau – France)
Lab visit

Notes and references