
Nanomaterials and occupational health – Bibliography

occupational health
Nanomaterials and occupational health – Bibliography
By the AVICENN team – Last added October 2024
Public / para-public organizations
In French :
- INRS, Help in identifying nanomaterials in the workplace, ED 6174, August 2023 (update)
- ASMT Hautes-Pyrénées, Risks of nanoparticles (video), 11 May 2023
- INRS, Caracterization and prevention of nano-related risks (training), 10-14 October 2022
- CNRS, Best practices in nanomaterials’ risk prevention: awareness-raising and laboratory scenarios (training), February and September 2022
- Ministry of Labour, Bilan du 3ème Plan santé au travail 2016-2020, July 2021
- DREETS, CARSAT, MSA and occupational health services of the Centre Val de Loire, Repérage des perturbateurs endocriniens et des nanomatériaux menée en milieu professionnel sur 2019-2020, May 2021
- ANSES / ANR, Scientific meeting on microplastics and nanomaterials: environmental and health research, May 20, 2021
- INRS, Mesure en temps réel de l’exposition individuelle aux nanoparticules sous forme d’aérosols : performance et exemple d’application du DiSCmini, Bau S et al, Hygiène et sécurité du travail n°262, mars 2021
- INRS, Les nanomatériaux manufacturés – Définitions, effets sur la santé, caractérisation de l’exposition professionnelle et mesures de prévention, M.Ricaud and O. Witschger, Brochure ED 6050, January 2021
- Groupe Nano PRST3 Nouvelle Aquitaine, Nanomaterials: feedback from occupational health, December 2020
- INRS, Équipements de protection individuelle – Nanoparticules : l’efficacité des appareils de protection respiratoire à l’essai, Travail & Sécurité, n° 820, November 2020
- AFNOR, Web-conference – Nanoparticles: discover the risk management method, this online conference will take place on July 7, 2020
- CEA, Nano-safety – Protecting operators from nanoparticles, April 6, 2020
- INRS, Nanostructured carbon black: towards an occupational exposure limit value, Références en Santé au travail, n°161, March 2020
- INRS, INSERM, Santé Publique France, Étude de la relation entre exposition au dioxyde de titane (TiO2) et la mortalité par cause dans une cohorte de travailleurs en France, A.Gaillen-Guédy, D.Luce, P. Wild, I. Guseva Canu Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, Volume 81, Issue 1, Page 64; February 2020
- OSHA Europe, Sweden: protecting workers from potentially hazardous carbon nanotubes in the manufacturing sectorNovember 2019 (Atlas Copco Industrial Technique, a Swedish manufacturing company, has taken a precautionary approach to managing worker exposure to carbon nanotubes, generated by work processes in its test laboratory, by installing fume hoods and extraction devices so that workers do not inhale potentially hazardous dust)
- INRS, Nanomaterials: definition, identification and characterization of materials and associated occupational exposures, Hygiène et sécurité du travail, n°256, September 2019
- IRSST, Characterization of unintentional nanoscale particles emitted in different workplaces, September 2019
- INRS, De la production au traitement des déchets de nanomatériaux manufacturés, May 2019
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), nanomaterials infographic, May 2019
- INRS, Performance des appareils de protection respiratoires filtrants vis-à-vis les nanoparticules, February 2019
- AIPALS (inter-company occupational health service), Nanomaterials, how to spot them and protect yourself, January 2019
- INRS, seminars :
- Manufactured nanomaterials: Occupational exposures and health effects , November 15, 2018
- Manufactured nanomaterials: Prevention approach and means of protection, December 11, 2018
- OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), Fact sheet: manufactured nanomaterials in the workplace, October 2018
- Direccte Nouvelle Aquitaine, Table Ronde “nanomatériaux”, intervention by Nadine Renaudie, Colloque “Substances Dangereuses : les risques se dévoilent”, Limoges, October 11, 2018
- French High Council for Public Health (HCSP), Bilan des connaissances relatives aux effets des nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) sur la santé humaine; caractérisation de l’exposition des populations et mesures de gestion April 2018 (made public in June 2018)
- DIRECCTE Aquitaine, Les risques professionnels liés aux nanomatériaux – Quelle démarche pratique de prévention, 35th congress of occupational medicine and health, Marseille, June 2018
- Workshop at the 35th National Congress of Occupational Medicine and Health, “Manufactured nanomaterials: identifying and characterizing occupational exposures and preventing health risks in the workplace”, Marseille, June 5-8, 2018
- INRS, Exposition au dioxyde de titane nanométrique dans le BTP, Bertrand Honnert, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, May 2018
- INRS, EpiNano : dispositif national de surveillance épidémiologique des travailleurs exposés aux nanomatériaux manufacturés, Références en santé au travail, n°152, December 2017
- DIRECCTE and DREAL Pays de la Loire, SSTRN, AMEBAT, occupational physicians of the Pays de la Loire autonomous services and Man Diesel’s occupational physician, Nanomaterials: Professionals, are you concerned?, November 2017.
- INRS, Rapport ” Etudes & Recherche ” 2016-2017, November 2017 (This document presents a summary of studies completed in 2016, a brief presentation of all studies in progress in 2017, including several on nanomaterials)
- French Ministry of the Environment, Meilleures techniques à envisager pour la mise en oeuvre des substances à l’état nanoparticulaire, 2017
- INSERM, Nanoparticles at work: a danger for our lungs?, November 21, 2016
- INSERM, Les nanomatériaux au laboratoire – Savoir reconnaître leurs risques pour une prévention adaptée, March 2016
- INRS, Nanoscale titanium dioxide: the need for an occupational exposure limit value, Hygiène et sécurité du travail, n°242, NT 36, March 2016
- INRS, Une intervention ergonomique dans une entreprise utilisant des nanomatériaux – Etude de cas, Drais E, Hygiène et sécurité du travail, EC 14, March 2016
- DGT, Ministry of Labour, National Occupational Health Plan (PST 3) 2016-2019, December 2015.
- Guseva Canu I et al, Proposition de méthode pour identifier et observer des postes de travail potentiellement exposants aux nanomatériaux, Références en santé au travail, TM 35, INRS, September 2015
- Guseva Canu I et al (INVS, INRS, LSTE, INERIS, CEA), Proposition d’une méthode de repérage des postes de travail potentiellement exposant aux nano-objets, leurs agrégats ou agglomérats dans les entreprises mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux manufacturés, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, 2015
- ANSES, Méthode d’évaluation des niveaux de risques sanitaires et des dangers écotoxicologiques des produits contenant des nanomatériaux manufacturés, April 2015.
- INRS, Nanoargents: from production to use, what are the risks, Hygiène & Sécurité du travail, NT 24, March 2015
- ANSES, L’exposition des travailleurs au dioxyde de titane nanoparticulaire : Évaluation de l’exposition au dioxyde de titane nanoparticulaire et métrologie toxicologique, Jean-Paul Morin, The Research Papers. Health, Environment, Work, 2015
- INRS, Ventilation et filtration de l’air des lieux de travail, ED 6181, November 2014.
- CERTOP, La mobilité des risques ” nanos “, September 2014
- INRS, Help in identifying nanomaterials in the workplace, ED 6174, June 2014 (Update August 2023).
- ANSES, Evaluation des risques liés aux nanomatériaux – Enjeux et mise à jour des connaissances, April 2014: Annex 9 “Exposure assessment” and Annex 10: Medical surveillance of workers.
- ANSES, Evaluation des risques liés au GRAPHISTRENGTH C100 (Arkema’s carbon nanotubes), November 2013 (updated online January 2014).
- Interview with Damien Moncoq, CNRS project manager for the prevention of risks related to the handling of nanomaterials, Prévention Infos CNRS, n°35, December 2013
- Direccte Limousin, Nanoparticles: Risks or progress, October 24, 2013
- Direccte Limousin, Nanoguide pour une première évaluation des risques professionnels, September 2013
- INRS, Les nanomatériaux, bilan et perspectives en santé et sécurité au travail, M. Reynier, Hygiène et sécurité du travail, 232, September 2013
- IGAS, “Nanomaterials and occupational health”, in Interactions between health and work, June 2013
- INERIS, Benchmark européen des guides de bonnes pratiques et référentiels sur la sécurité liée à la mise en oeuvre des nanomatériaux, April 2013
- Institut national de veille sanitaire (InVS), How to assess the potential health risks of occupational exposure to nanomaterials, video, April 2013
- CNRS, Note concernant la prévention des risques dans les unités mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux, March 2013
- Carsat Nord-Picardie, Nanomaterials: how to act, March 2013
- INRS, “Nanomaterials. What are the risks? What prevention?”:
- Repérage des salariés potentiellement exposés aux nanoparticules, F. Jacquet, Références en Santé au travail, n°132, December 2012
- Utilisation du dioxyde de titane nanométrique – Cas particulier de la filière BTP, Hygiène et Sécurité au travail, Note documentaire 2367, 4th quarter 2012
- Nanomaterials – Definitions, toxicological risks, characterization of occupational exposure and prevention measures, ED6050, September 2012
- Préconisations en matière de caractérisation des potentiels d’émission et d’exposition professionnelle aux aérosols lors d’opérations mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux, Hygiène et Sécurité au travail, ND 2355, mars 2012
- Préconisations en matière de caractérisation des potentiels d’émission et d’exposition professionnelle aux aérosols lors d’opérations mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux, Hygiène et Sécurité au travail, Note documentaire 2355,1st quarter 2012
- Nanomaterials. Risk prevention in laboratoriesED6115, January 2012
- Direccte Limousin, Occupational health: Limousin mobilized on nanoparticles, December 4, 2012
- ANSES, Toxicity and ecotoxicity of carbon nanotubes – Note d’actualité, État de l’art 2011-2012, November 2012
- Raphael Chevallier (Direccte PACA), Les nanotechnologies et la réglementation applicable en santé au travail, slide show presented at the Société de Médecine du travail de Marseille, November 2012.
- Daniel Bloch (CEA), Nanomaterials and occupational health, slide show presented at the Marseille Society of Occupational Medicine, November 2012
- INERIS, NanoCert, Référentiel de certification pour la sécurité des personnes au poste de travail en présence de nanoparticules, 2012
- CISME, Nanoparticle Survey, 2012 :
- Questionnaire to identify nanoparticles, potentially dangerous situations and preventive measures in place
- Questionnaire user guide
- Direccte Limousin, Nanomaterials, nanotechnologies, mega-hazards, July 11, 2012
- ANSES, Opinion on the risk assessment of GRAPHISTRENGTH C100 conducted under the Génésis program, (carbon nanotubes), April 2012
- CNRS, Prevention and Safety Department, Nanomaterials – State of the art, Risks & Prevention, January 24, 2012
- CEA, INERIS, INRS, Recommandations en matière de caractérisation des potentiels d’émission et d’exposition professionnelle aux aérosols lors d’opérations mettant en oeuvre des nanomatériaux – Guide méthodologique, December 2011
- Ministères du travail français, belge et hollandais, A seminar on policy, practice and the role of public authorities in dealing with uncertain risks, Brussels, November 2011
- Institut national de veille sanitaire (InVS), Feasibility elements for an epidemiological monitoring system for workers exposed to intentionally produced nanomaterials, O. Boutou-Kempf, March 2011
- INRS, Enquête sur l’utilisation industrielle des nano-objets : difficulté d’identification par les établissements, Honnert B. and Grzebyk M., Hygiène et sécurité du travail, Note documentaire, 2340, 1st quarter 2011
- ANSES, Graduated risk management tool for nanomaterials, January 2011
- INRS, Surveillance médicale des travailleurs exposés à des nanomatériaux : les enseignements du congrès de Keystone, Malard S. and Radauceanu A., Documents pour le médecin du travail, 124, 489-49, 4th quarter 2010
- DGT, Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health Plan 2010-2014 (PST2), October 2010
- CEA, Workplace precautions, NanoSmile, short educational cartoon, April 2010
- Afsset, Risk assessment of nanomaterials for the general population and the environment, March 2010
- INRS, Identification of employees potentially exposed to nanoparticles. Call for participationDocuments pour le médecin du travail, n°122, 2010
- ENSOSP, Les nanomatériaux : enjeux, risques et éléments de réflexion sur la réponse opérationnelle des sapeurs-pompiers, 2010
- CRAM Alsace-Moselle, Nano-objets, nanomatériaux – une démarche d’investigation en Alsace-Moselle, December 2009
- Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IReSP), Risques pour la santé des nanotechnologies, stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009
- French Ministry of Health, chapter on worker exposure in the Dossier du Maître d’ouvrage du débat public national sur les nanotechnologies de 2009-2010, 2009
- French Ministry of Labour, nanomaterials page on the “Travailler mieux” website, most of which dates back to 2009.
- HCSP, Opinion on the safety of workers during exposure to carbon nanotubes, Referral of June 16, 2008 from the Director General of Health, January 7, 2009.
- INERIS, The explosion of nanopowders, September 2008
- Afsset, Les nanomatériaux, Sécurité au travail, May 2008
- INRS, Production et utilisation industrielle des particules nanostructurées, Honnert B. and Vincent R., Hygiène et sécurité du travail, Note documentaire 2277, 2007
- INRS, Nanoparticles: A major occupational health issue, EDP sciences, 2007
- Prevention and Precaution Committee (CPP), Ministry of Ecology, Nanotechnologies, nanoparticles: what dangers? What are the risks?May 2006
In Europe :
- EUON, Controlling exposure to nanomaterials, Dr Araceli Sánchez (INSST), December 2022
- BAuA (Germany), Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances – Activities with nanomaterials, TRGS 527, January 2020
- OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work) :
- Manufactured nanomaterials in the workplace, EU OSHA, 2019
- Nanomaterials: understanding and managing the risks, October 2018
- European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Literature study on the uses and risks of nanomaterials as pigments in the European Union, September 2018
- OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), E-fact 72: Tools for managing nanomaterials in the workplace and preventive measures, November 2015
- Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) (Germany) and NanoValid, Safe handling of nano materials and other advanced materials at workplaces, July 2015
- European Commission :
- Guidance for Workers: Working Safely with Manufactured Nanomaterials, Guidance for Workers, November 2014.
- Guide à l’intention des dirigeants et préventeurs: Guidance on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the potential risks related to nanomaterials at work, Guidance for employers and health and safety practitioners, November 2014
- Institut universitaire romand de Santé au Travail (Switzerland), Training materials for working with nanomaterials, January 2014
- Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Switzerland, Instructions on the use of the precautionary grid for synthetic nanomaterials, January 2014
- Handbook of Nanosafety, Measurement, Exposure and Toxicology, ed. by Ulla Vogel & Kai Savolainen & Qinglan Wu & Martie van Tongeren & Derk Brouwer & Markus Berges, 2014
- FIOH (Finland), Evaluation of the health effects of carbon nanotubes, October 2013
- OSHA (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work), Managing nanomaterials in the workplace, June 2013 :
- E-fact 72: Tools for the management of nanomaterials in the workplace and prevention measures, June 2013
- E-fact 73: Nanomaterials in the healthcare sector: occupational risks and their prevention, June 2013
- E-fact 74: Nanomaterials in the maintenance sector: occupational risks and their prevention, June 2013
- Nanotechnologies in the furniture sector – state of play 2012, March 2013
- Safenano (UK), Safety Data Sheets for nanomaterials, April 2013
- Health & Safety Executive (HSE) (United Kingdom), Internet section dedicated to the health aspects of nanomaterials at work
- OSHA (Europe), Workplace Exposure to Nanomaterials, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2009
- Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) (Germany), section dedicated to nanotechnologies, including the report Guidance for handling and use of nanomaterials at the workplace, 2007 (an update was published in 2012, but available in German only here).
Elsewhere in the world
- NIOSH (USA), Are There Nano- and Microplastics in the Workplace?, Murashov V et al., February 2020
- ACS, Working Safely with Nanomaterials in the Laboratory, May 16, 2019
- WHO, WHO guidelines for the protection of workers from the potential risks of engineered nanomaterials, March 2019
- CDC (NIOSH USA), Continuing to protect the nanotechnology workforce: NIOSH nanotechnology research plan for 2018-2025, January 2019
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Nanotechnology and health, online course (30 minutes), October 2018
- Workplace Design Solutions: Protecting Workers during the Handling of Nanomaterials, March 2018
- Workplace Design Solutions: Protecting Workers during Nanomaterial Reactor Operations, March 2018
- Workplace Design Solutions: Protecting Workers during Intermediate and Downstream Processing of Nanomaterials, March 2018
- Controlling Health Hazards When Working with Nanomaterials: Questions to Ask Before You Start, February 2018
- World Health Organization (WHO), WHO guidelines on protecting workers from potential risks of manufactured nanomaterials, 2017
- IRSST, Mesure de l’efficacité des gants de protection contre les nanoparticules dans des conditions simulant leur utilisation en milieu de travail, report R-933, October 2016
- CDC (NIOSH USA), Building a Safety Program to Protect the Nanotechnology Workforce: A Guide for Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises, April 2016
- Occupational Health Branch (OHB), California Department of Public Health, Nanomaterials in Construction and Other Jobs, Occupational Health Watch, January 2016
- CDC (NIOSH USA), Health Effects of Occupational Exposure to Silver Nanomaterials, External Review Draft – Current Intelligence Bulletin, December 2015
- WHO, Guidelines on nanomaterials and workers’ health are being prepared and should be published by the end of 2015
- University of Los Andes (Columbia), Nano Risk App, November 2015
- NIOSH (USA), Epidemiologic studies of U.S. workers handling carbon nanotubes: the interface between exposure and health, Schubauer-Berigan MK et al, slideshow presented at the Quantifying Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials Workshop, July 2015
- IRSST (Canada), An integrated approach to the safe design and handling of nanomaterials – A program based on consultation between industry and health risk assessors, May 2015
- NIOSH et al (USA), The GoodNanoGuide, an Internet-based collaboration platform specially designed to enhance the ability of experts to exchange ideas on how best to handle nanomaterials in an occupational setting
- IRSST (Canada), Nanomaterials – A guide to good practices for managing workplace risks, 2nd edition, August 2014
- IRSST (Canada), Measurement, control and characterization of nanoparticles – Procedure applied to machining and mechanical friction, Report R-814, May 2014
- IRSST (Canada), Revue et analyse critique de la littérature scientifique portant sur l’évaluation de l’exposition professionnelle aux nanomatériaux en milieu de travail, research project carried out in 2013-2014, completed and expected to result in a report for the WHO
- Nanomaterials Safety, G. Miller, F. Plummer, and E. Asmatulu, Department of Environmental Health and Safety, Wichita State University, April 25, 2014
- IRSST (Canada), Synthetic nanoparticles – Adaptive management of risks to worker health and safety, December 2013
- NIOSH (United States), Protecting the Nanotechnology Workforce NIOSH Nanotechnology Research and Guidance Strategic Plan, 2013-2016, December 2013
- NIOSH (United States), Current Strategies for Engineering Controls in Nanomaterial Production and Downstream Handling Processes, November 2013
- Safe Work Australia, Safety Hazards of Engineered Nanomaterials, Information sheet, May 2013
- OSHA (United States), Working Safely with Nanomaterials, Fact Sheet, April 2013
- IRSST (Canada), Développement d’une procédure de mesure de l’efficacité des filtres d’appareils de protection respiratoire N95 contre les nanoparticules, April 2013
- NIOSH (USA), Occupational Exposure to Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers, Current Intelligence Bulletin, 65, April 2013
- IRSST (Canada), Development of a method for measuring the penetration of nanoparticles through protective glove materials under conditions simulating use in the workplace, 2012
- IRSST (Canada), Characterization and control of occupational exposure to nanoparticles and ultrafine particles, 2012
- NIOSH (United States), General risk prevention practices for working with manufactured nanomaterials in research laboratories, May 2012
- VCI and BAuA (Germany), Empfehlung für die Gefährdungsbeurteilung bei Tätigkeiten mit Nanomaterialien am Arbeitsplatz, May 2012
- NIOSH (United States), Occupational Exposure to Titanium Dioxide, Current Intelligence Bulletin, 63, 2011
- IRSST (Canada), Synthetic nanoparticles – Current knowledge about OHS risks and prevention measures, May 2010
- ILO, “Promoting safe and healthy jobs: The ILO’s programme on occupational safety and health and the environment (Safework)”, in Travail n°63, August 2008
- IRSST (Canada), Good Practices Guide to Synthetic Nanoparticle Risk Management, April 2008
- IRSST (Canada), Health effects of nanoparticles, April 2008
- European Commission, Recommendation on a code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research, February 2008
- OSHA (United States), Introduction to Nanomaterials and Occupational Safety and Health, Manual, Rice University, 2008
- BAuA and VCI (Germany), Guidance for Handling and Use of Nanomaterials at the Workplace, August 2007
Trade unions, occupational health services, and associations
In France
- Service de prévention et de santé au travail de la région nantaise (SSTRN), Les nanomatériaux, pourquoi en parler ?, October 2024
- Association de santé et de médecine au travail (ASMT) des Hautes-Pyrénées, Risks of nanoparticles (vidéo), 11 May 2023
- FCE CFDT, Nanotechnologies, virage ou mirage ? (conference), 13 décembre 2022
- Présance Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Corse, “Nanomaterials: what are the health risks? What prevention?” (seminar), June 2022
- FGMM (CFDT), Nanotechnologie, une nouveauté pas si anodine, Youtube video, October 5, 2020
- Avicenn pour Agir Magazine, Dossier spécial “Les nanoparticules”, n°75, March-April 2018
- Avicenn, Nanomaterials and risks to health and the environment – Soyons Vigilants!, éditions Yves Michel, February 2016
- Avicenn, Nano and occupational health section on the veillenanos.fr website, July 2015
- CFDT, Nanotechnologies, L’exigence d’un développement responsable, November 2013
- CFDT, Nanotechnologies and responsible development, November 26, 2013
- Gérald Hayotte, Nanotechnologies: between useful and futile…, Apeska, October 2012
- CFTC, Santé au travail, les nanotechnologies, December 2010
- FO, Maîtriser les risques pour les salariés, la population et l’environnement, cahier d’acteur pour le débat public national sur les nanotechnologies de 2009-2010, January 2010
- CFE-CGC, Les nanotechnologies : un nouveau saut technologique qui va révolutionner la production de biens et de services, stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, November 2009
- UNSA, Nanotechnologies : définir tous les enjeux pour mieux répondre aux attentes et aux risques éventuels (Nanotechnologies: defining all the issues to better meet expectations and potential risks), stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, November 2009
- CFDT, Il est temps que le débat s’engage (It’s time for the debate to begin), participant’s notebook for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009.
- CFTC, Nanotechnologies: Un formidable espoir, de grandes inquiétudes (Nanotechnologies: Great hope, great concern), stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009
- CFDT, Nanotechnologies: Santé et travail, Point de vue du SPEA Grenoble CFDT et de l’URI Rhône-Alpes CFDT, January 2007
Elsewhere in the world
- ETUI, Etui makes regulatory proposals for nanomaterials in the EU, September 2018
- ETUI, EU Observatory for Nanomaterials: a constructive view on future regulation, 2017
- ETUI, Nano? Help your safety representative answer these questions…, 2016
- ETUI, Infographic: Working with nano? What do you need to know and who to talk to? , 2016
- ETUI, Nanomaterials at work: where could you be exposed?, 2016
- ISTAS-CCOO (Spain), La prevención de riesgos en los lugares de trabago: Guía para una intervención sindacal, November 2013
- Aída Maria Ponce Del Castillo (ETUI), Nanomaterials in the workplace, What are the issues for workers’ health, May 2013
- IndustriAll European Trade Union, Position on nanomaterials in REACH and safety data sheets, May 2013
- CSIRO (Australia), Investigating the emissions of nanomaterials from composites and other solid articles during machining processes, March 2013
- Dutch Trade Union Confederation (FNV), Working safely with engineered nanomaterials and nanoproducts – A guide for employers and employees, Netherlands, August 2012. (The first version dates from May 2011)
- FGTB (Belgium), Occupational health: Precautionary principle for nanomaterials, Brussels, 2012
- ETUC / CES, 2nd ETUC Resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, December 2010
- ETUC / CES, ETUC Resolution on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, June 2008
- ISTAS-CCOO (Spain), Medidas preventivas y de control para nanopartículas y nanomateriales, 2008
Publications and academic work
- ROS/RNS Leakage During Frustrated Phagocytosis of Glass Nanofibers Characterized by Nanosensor and its Implications on Lung Injury, Qi YT et al., Nature Nanotechnology, January 2024
- Barthel et al., Needlelike, short and thin multi-walled carbon nanotubes: comparison of effects on wild type and p53+/− rat lungs, Nanotoxicology, 2023
- Alberto AR et al., Nanomaterials, a New Challenge in the Workplace, in: Louro H, Silva MJ (eds) Nanotoxicology in Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1357. Springer, Cham., 2022
- Barthel et al., Continuous Long-Term Exposure to Low Concentrations of MWCNTs Induces an Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in BEAS-2B Cells, 11(7), Nanomaterials, 2021
- Chami K et al, Manufactured nanomaterials in the occupational environment: an overview of the state of the art, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, January 2021.
- Bessa MJ et al, Nanoparticle exposure and hazard in the ceramic industry: an overview of potential sources, toxicity and health effects, Environmental Research, 184, May 2020
- Guseva Canu I et al, Weight of epidemiological evidence for titanium dioxide risk assessment: current state and further needs, Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2019
- Schulte PA et al, Current state of knowledge on the health effects of engineered nanomaterials in workers: a systematic review of human studies and epidemiological investigations, Scand J Work Environ Health., 1;45(3):217-23, May 2019
- […]
- Mihalache R et al, Occupational exposure limits for manufactured nanomaterials, a systematic review, Nanotoxicology, 11(1), January 2017
- Armstead AL, Li B, Nanotoxicity: emerging concerns regarding nanomaterial safety and occupational hard metal (WC-Co) nanoparticle exposure, 11: 6421 – 6433, December 2016
- Mellin P et al, Nano-sized by-products from metal 3D printing, composite manufacturing and fabric production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 139: 1224-1233, December 2016
- Oosterwijka MTT et al, Proposal for a Risk Banding Framework for Inhaled Low Aspect Ratio Nanoparticles based on Physicochemical Properties, Nanotoxicology, 2016
- Pelclova D et al, Markers of oxidative damage of nucleic acids and proteins among workers exposed to TiO2 (nano) particles, Occup Environ Med, 73:110-118, 2016
- Pelclova et al, Markers of oxidative damage of nucleic acids and proteins among workers exposed to TiO2 (nano) particles, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 73 (2): 110, 2016
- Nano SSL-DTS project 2014-2015: Nanotechnology, occupational health and safety and the division of scientific labor – joint CNRS-ISIS PEPS project (Université Paris Saclay), with Eric Drais (INRS), Joëlle Evans (HEC), Audrey Couyere (UVSQ, Dante) and Susan Silbey (MIT), coordination: Jérôme Pelisse (UVSQ)
- Karim ME et al, Too enthusiastic to care for safety: Present status and recent developments of nanosafety in ASEAN countries, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 92: 168-181, March 2015
- Spruit SL, Choosing between precautions for nanoparticles in the workplace: complementing the precautionary principle with caring, Journal of Risk Research, 2015
- Murashova V & Howard J, Risks to Health Care Workers from Nano-Enabled Medical Products, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 12(6), 2015
- Heitbrink WA et al, Exposure Controls for Nanomaterials at Three Manufacturing Sites, J Occup Environ Hyg, June 2014
- Workshop report: Strategies for setting occupational exposure limits for engineered nanomaterials, Gordon SC et al, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 68(3) : 305-311, April 2014
- ANSES, Nanoparticles – controlling exposure: concepts and achievements, Bulletin de veille scientifique (BVS), March 2014
- The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, Precarious Promise: A Case Study of Engineered Carbon Nanotubes, University of Massachusetts Lowell, March 2014
- Honnert B and Grzebyk M, Manufactured nano-objects: An occupational survey in five industries in France, Ann Occup Hyg, 58:121-35, January 2014 (a French abstract is freely available in the article Exposure to nanoparticles in industrial environments: the difficulty of preventing ANSES Scientific Watch Bulletin (BVS), March 2014
- R. Kyung-Taek et al, Oxidative DNA Damage from Nanoparticle Exposure and Its Application to Workers’ Health: A Literature Review, Safety and Health at Work, 4(4), 177-186, December 2013
- P. A. Schulte et al, Occupational safety and health criteria for responsible development of nanotechnology, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, December 2013
- Hui-Yi Liao et al, Six-month follow-up study of health markers of nanomaterials among workers handling engineered nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology, December 2013
- Debia M, Beaudry C, Nanoparticle metrology: new advances, Bulletin de veille scientifique (BVS), ANSES, December 2013.
- P. Chaskiel, Unionism and nanotechnologies. From the space of professional relations to the public space of risksSociologie du Travail, 55(4): 454-474, October-December 2013
- C. Baert, L. Novack, D. Lison, Occupational exposure to nanoparticles and skin protection, Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, 74(5), 488-498, November 2013
- A.M. Ponce Del Castillo, The European and Member States’ Approaches to Regulating Nanomaterials: Two Levels of Governance, Nanoethics,1-11, October 2013
- P.T. O’Shaughnessy, Occupational health risk to nanoparticulate exposure, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts,15, 49-62, 2013
- N. Dedessus-Le-Moustier and E. Drais, “La place des relations collectives dans la protection de la santé des salariés exposés aux nanomatériaux: défis pratiques et questions nouvelles”, in Des nanotechnologies aux technologies émergentes, La régulation en perspectives Editions Larcier, January 2013
- C.D. Engeman et al, Governance implications of nanomaterials companies’ inconsistent risk perceptions and safety practices, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14 (3), 1-12, February 2012
- M Doucet, L’obligation de sécurité de l’employeur et les nanomatériaux, International Journal of Bioethics, 1(22) : 173 – 184, 2011
- J.A. Conti et al, Health and safety practices in the nanomaterials workplace: results from an international survey, Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (9), 3155-3162, 2008
- Nanotechnologies: Hopes and uncertainties around a new revolution, HesaMag, n°1, autumn-winter 2009
Industries, Professional/employers’ organizations, Specialized service providers
In France :
- SICADAE, Prevention of nano-related risks, 6 October 2022
- Allizé Plasturgie – Polyvia, “Prévenir les risques liés aux nanomatériaux manufacturés”, Plastilien, September 2020
- C. Fresnay (Thalès Group), Nanomaterials and Means of Prevention in Research Activities, QuarksSafetyDay 2018, April 2018 (video)
- OPPBTP, Nanomaterials and construction, December 2017
- Saint-Gobain, Code of conduct (drawn up jointly by the EHS, Medical and R&D departments): defines the framework within which Saint-Gobain teams, particularly in R&D, must use nanomaterials (currently being revised).
- D. Bloch, Nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, nanoparticles – Health risks (slide show), October 24, 2013
- FEBEA, Guide de bonnes pratiques – Prévention des risques liés à la mise en oeuvre des nanomatériaux, available only to FEBEA members, July 2012.
- MEDEF, “cahier d’acteur ” for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009
- Entreprises pour l’Environnement, stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009
- UIC, stakeholder paper for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnologies, October 2009
- UIC, Guide de bonnes pratiques – Nanomatériaux et HSE, March 2009
Elsewhere in the world :
- NIA, Nanomaterials Safety & EHS/OHS Policy
- NanoTox (United States)
- NanoSafePack Consortium: Best practices for the safe handling and use of nanoparticles in the packaging industry – Mini-Guide, 2014
- ISO TC 229, Nanotechnologies — Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials — Part 2: Use of the hazard band approach, January 2014
- RISS, Guide to measuring airborne carbon nanotubes in workplaces, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), October 2013
- CEPE (European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry), Guidance for the Handling of engineered Nano-Objects in the Workplace, May 2013
- BASF, Nanotechnology Code of Conduct
- CEFIC, Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials, Implementing Responsible Care®, 2nd Edition, January 2012
In French :
- “Nanos, glyphosate, have we really learned the lessons of asbestos?”, 25 years of asbestos: the scandal continues, InfoDiag, Hors-Série, September 2022
- Prévenscope, Nanomaterials, should we be afraid?, October-November 2021
- Savoir Média, “En quête de solutions – les nanomatériaux”, February 18, 2020 (video)
- Santé & Travail, Nanomaterials: industry puts up resistance, September 2, 2019
- Santé & Travail, Lobbies at work on titanium dioxide, April 2019
- Santé & Travail, Titanium dioxide: “Will Europe give in to the lobbies?”, April 2019
- Agir Magazine, Special report “Nanoparticles”, n°75, March-April 2018
- France Info, Les nanoparticules dangereuses pour les travailleurs qui les côtent, C’est mon boulot, January 12, 2017
- Santé & Travail, Nanomaterials: a fibrosing effect on the lung, January 3, 2017
- Bien dans mon travail, Understanding nanomaterials, risks and issues: an interview with Avicenn, November 23, 2016
- Reporterre, Nanoparticles: workers are the first to be exposed, June 17, 2016
- Les Zindigné(e)s, Nanotech’, commercialization progresses, vigilance lags , n°36, June 2016
- Travail & Sécurité, Nanomatériaux manufacturés – Quels effets sur la santé, No. 758, February 2015
- AtouSanté, Nanomaterials: employers’ obligations, October 7, 2014
- Officiel Prévention, La prévention des risques professionnels des nanomatériaux, May 2013
- L’Usine nouvelle, Santé au travail : Infiniment petits, mais pas sans risques, April 2013
- Basta, Nanotechnologies: “Avoiding a repeat of asbestos”, Agnès Rousseau, May 25, 2010
Elsewhere in the world :
- Prevecion integral, Primera sentencia en Europa sobre exposición a nanopartículas, 15 December 2017 (Una juez de Pamplona decide, en una sentencia admirable, que un trasplantado de riñón es especialmente sensible a las nanopartículas)
This bibliography realized by AVICENN is intended to be completed and updated. Do not hesitate to inform us of other interesting references.
Our news on the subject
Our factsheets on the subject
The next nano meetings
C’Nano 2025: The Nanoscience Meeting (C’Nano – Paris, France)
- 6th interdisciplinary nanoscience congress, dedicated to all academic and industrial scientists in nanoscience and nanotechnology, including researchers, engineers, PhD students, post-docs, etc.
- March 18 to 21, 2025
- Organizers: Centre national de Compétences en Nanosciences du CNRS, C’Nano
- Website: https://cnano2025.sciencesconf.org

Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Nano2025, Rome – Italy)
- Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- 10th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
- 14 and 15 April 2025
- Website: https://nanomaterialsconference.com

Applications of Nanomaterials to Sustainably Address Water, Food, and Health (Newry, Maine – United States)
Newry, Maine
- 7th Environmental nanotechology Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
- Chairs: Peter Vikeslan and Denise Mitrano
- Date: June 1-6, 2025
- Website: https://www.grc.org/environmental-nanotechnology-conference/2025/
Initially created in October 2013