Warning on nanoparticles in masks in Holland
After Belgium, the Netherlands has questioned the safety of oral masks with “anti-viral” and “anti-bacterial” claims. The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) publishes a report on non-surgical oral masks, in which 9 substances used as biocide coatings are identified. Among them: nanosilver, nano-copper, titanium dioxide and graphene.
While the effectiveness and non-toxicity of these coatings are still not assured, and masks are becoming a permanent feature in our daily lives, the institute recommends stepping up efforts to better take into account the potential risks associated with their use. To this end, AVICENN has called on the sanitary authorities and Anses should publish a report soon.
Our information sheets to go further
Upcoming Nano Agenda
Nanotox 2024 (Projets H2020, Venice)
- 11th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
- Forum aimed at personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies, and other relevant organisations
- Organizers: the leading EU-funded H2020 Projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, and SUNSHINE
- 23 – 25 September 2024
- Site internet: https://www.nanotox2024.eu
The surprising properties of nanoparticles (CEREGE, La Roque d’Anthéron – France)
La Roque d'Anthéron
- As part of the Fête de la science 2024, this workshop will explore some of the surprising properties of nanoparticles through fun experiments, as well as the products in our environment that contain them. Animated videos from the “Did you know?” series will complete the tour.
- Organizers: CEREGE
- Website: www.fetedelascience.fr/atelier-3-0
Visit of a laboratory where nanos are manipulated (C2N, Palaiseau – France)
Lab visit
- As part of the “unusual CNRS visits” program, “Dive into the invisible world of atoms: explore nanotechnologies” : discover how nano-objects are manufactured and analyzed, with control and ultimate spatio-temporal resolutions of around 1/10,000 meters, in spaces exceptionally open to the public.
- Organizer: Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N), a flagship laboratory for research in nanoscience and nanotechnology in France (CNRS)
- Site internet : https://visitesinsolites.cnrs.fr/…