Nanomaterials and cosmetics: Report from the Commission
The European Commission has published its report on the use of nanomaterials in cosmetic products and the revision of the Cosmetics Regulation with regard to nanomaterials.
It states that on average, approximately 3,620 new products containing nanomaterials were notified each year between 2016 and 2020 (every day, approximately ten new cosmetic products containing nanomaterials are placed on the market in the EU).
Unsurprisingly, the most notified substances, accounting for more than 70% of all nanomaterial notifications, are titanium dioxide, silicas and carbon black.
The report recalls that most of the opinions of the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) concerning the safety of notified nanomaterials could not be concluded due to the absence or lack of data: “it is therefore important that those responsible provide information as accurate as possible”.
The report remains open to aligning the definition of “nanomaterial” in the Cosmetics Regulation with the Commission’s recommendation (currently under review), subject to “further evaluation to assess the potential effects”. The Commission underlines the need to improve the “notification process of the nanomaterial and, in particular, its duration and the effect of the expiry of the deadline provided in the Cosmetic Regulation“. As most EU citizens feel that it is important to be informed about the presence of nanomaterials, the Commission considers that “digital labeling could be considered to complement and further improve the labeling of nanomaterials in cosmetic products”.
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