Preventing occupational risks with nanomaterials: New publication by Centre Val de Loire preventionists


As part of the 3rd regional occupational health plan, the prevention specialists of the Centre-Val de Loire region have set up a collaboration aimed at “improving knowledge of endocrine disruptors (EDs) and nanomaterials (Nanos) in order to better prevent risks in the workplace”.

It was structured around three complementary objectives:
– raising the awareness of prevention specialists, companies and employees to the problem of EDs and Nanos,
– the identification of EDs and Nanos in local companies and exposed employees,
– Supporting companies in the prevention of chemical risks.

A summary document, published today on the DREETS Centre Val de Loire website and intended primarily for preventionists, presents and comments on the various stages, the results obtained and proposes a detailed approach to identify and prevent exposure to EDs and Nanos in the workplace.

This document completes the previous publications proposed by this working group composed of the following participants: SISTEL, DREETS Centre Val de Loire, Apst37, AISMT36, CIHL45, CARSAT Centre Val de Loire, MSA Beauce Cœur de Loire, SAN T BTP, Oppbtp Centre-Val de Loire.

Upcoming Nano Agenda

Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (Nano2025, Rome)
  • Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 
  • 10th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
  • Website:
Characterizing and preventing risks related to manufactured nanomaterials and ultrafine particles (INRS, Vandœuvre-Lès-Nancy – France)
  • Training intended for occupational physicians, occupational risk prevention specialists (IPRP), company prevention specialists, prevention department staff from Carsat, Cramif and CGSS, institutional prevention specialists (Dreets, Dreal, MSA…).
  • Organizer: French National institute of research and security (INRS)
  • October 6 to 10, 2025
  • Website:…/formation/…JA1030_2025