Preventing occupational risks with nanomaterials: New publication by Centre Val de Loire preventionists


As part of the 3rd regional occupational health plan, the prevention specialists of the Centre-Val de Loire region have set up a collaboration aimed at “improving knowledge of endocrine disruptors (EDs) and nanomaterials (Nanos) in order to better prevent risks in the workplace”.

It was structured around three complementary objectives:
– raising the awareness of prevention specialists, companies and employees to the problem of EDs and Nanos,
– the identification of EDs and Nanos in local companies and exposed employees,
– Supporting companies in the prevention of chemical risks.

A summary document, published today on the DREETS Centre Val de Loire website and intended primarily for preventionists, presents and comments on the various stages, the results obtained and proposes a detailed approach to identify and prevent exposure to EDs and Nanos in the workplace.

This document completes the previous publications proposed by this working group composed of the following participants: SISTEL, DREETS Centre Val de Loire, Apst37, AISMT36, CIHL45, CARSAT Centre Val de Loire, MSA Beauce Cœur de Loire, SAN T BTP, Oppbtp Centre-Val de Loire.

Upcoming Nano Agenda

Managing the risks associated with nanomaterials (CEA, Grenoble)
  • Awareness-raising aimed at personnel in contact with nanomaterials during research, formulation, production, maintenance, cleaning, upkeep, etc., as well as safety coordinators or engineers, facility managers, heads of laboratories where nanoparticles are handled.
  • Organizers: INSTN Grenoble (CEA)
  • On the agenda: potential impact on health; metrology and protection; control of potential risks associated with nanomaterials; consideration of societal aspects.
  • Website:
Nanomaterials and Health (ANSES, Maisons-Alfort)
Dialogue Committee
Managing the risks associated with nanomaterials (CEA, Grenoble)
  • Awareness-raising aimed at personnel in contact with nanomaterials during research, formulation, production, maintenance, cleaning, upkeep, etc., as well as safety coordinators or engineers, facility managers, heads of laboratories where nanoparticles are handled.
  • Organizers: INSTN Grenoble (CEA)
  • On the agenda: potential impact on health; metrology and protection; control of potential risks associated with nanomaterials; consideration of societal aspects.
  • Website: