Beyond nano research, what reflections on global issues?


In an article about the ecological transition in chemistry published by the magazine La Recherche, Natacha Krins, lecturer at the Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (LCMCP), shares her concerns about the applications of nanomaterials for energy. Are batteries really a good solution to the energy problems raised by global warming?

“We don’t always have a global view of the issues. We work on extremely technical subjects but of very limited scope compared to the overall problem”.

She commented that we do not have a global view on, for example, the origin of raw materials, the recycling, or even the energy management strategy that it could be integrated into.

These reflections are in line with the long-standing concerns expressed by many associations.

In addition to the assessment of the risks associated with nanomaterials, the assessment of the “benefits”, real or supposed, of nanomaterials and the conditions for their fulfilment is urgently needed.

The concept of “collective utility” proposed by the PNSE 4 could be the opportunity to start working on this, work also linked to the notions of benefit/risk ratio and life cycle of nanomaterials and products containing them. These are all subjects that can no longer be ignored.

Upcoming Nano Agenda

Managing the risks associated with nanomaterials (CEA, Grenoble)
  • Awareness-raising aimed at personnel in contact with nanomaterials during research, formulation, production, maintenance, cleaning, upkeep, etc., as well as safety coordinators or engineers, facility managers, heads of laboratories where nanoparticles are handled.
  • Organizers: INSTN Grenoble (CEA)
  • On the agenda: potential impact on health; metrology and protection; control of potential risks associated with nanomaterials; consideration of societal aspects.
  • Website:
Nanotox 2024 (Projets H2020, Venice)
  • 11th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
  • Forum aimed at personnel from research and academic institutions as well as from industry, governmental agencies, and other relevant organisations
  • Organizers: the leading EU-funded H2020 Projects DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, and SUNSHINE
  • 23 – 25 September 2024
  • Site internet:
Visit of a laboratory where nanos are manipulated (C2N, Palaiseau – France)
Lab visit