The new definition of nanomaterials in food definitively approved in mid-May?

food definition

The European Commission has just adopted its new definition of “nanomaterials” in the Novel Foods Regulation. But it’s not all over yet. Between now and mid-May, the European Parliament and the Council can vote objections, and one (or more) Member State(s) can also bring an action for annulment. Suspense then! AVICENN will keep a close eye on this dossier and update the information below as it becomes available…

The new definition was adopted by the Commission on March 14.

The European Commission announced today on its dedicated website that it has adopted a delegated act to modify the definition of the term “nanomaterial” in its food legislation, two months after the end of its consultation on the subject.

As a reminder, depending on the definition adopted, many ingredients could in future no longer be covered by the labelling obligation [nano], even though they contain nanoparticles, some of which are potentially dangerous for consumers.

More news soon…

AVICENN (who had responded to the consultation1 Click here to read our contribution posted on January 12, 2024 on the Commission’s website as well as other NGOs, ANSES, the French authorities, etc.) is awaiting the final version of the text adopted today, and will update this article shortly.

It’s not all over yet. Between now and mid-May, the European Parliament and the Council can vote objections, and one (or more) Member State(s) can also bring an action for annulment.

To be continued…

[Update: on April 24, the European Parliament voted an objection. See our article on this vote which invalidates the Commission’s delegated act.]

Les prochains RDV nano

European School On Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (UGA, INP, CNRS & CEA, Grenoble)
Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (NANOMAT 2024, Vienna)
  • 8th edition of the International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices 2024 (NANOMAT2024)
  • From August 25 to August 28, 2024
  • Organiser : European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association (ENNA)
  • Website:
Managing the risks associated with nanomaterials (CEA, Grenoble)
  • Awareness-raising aimed at personnel in contact with nanomaterials during research, formulation, production, maintenance, cleaning, upkeep, etc., as well as safety coordinators or engineers, facility managers, heads of laboratories where nanoparticles are handled.
  • Organizers: INSTN Grenoble (CEA)
  • On the agenda: potential impact on health; metrology and protection; control of potential risks associated with nanomaterials; consideration of societal aspects.
  • Website:

Notes and references

  • 1
    Click here to read our contribution posted on January 12, 2024 on the Commission’s website