Health risks of nanos in food

Health risks of nanos in food
By the AVICENN team – Last modification November 2024
Reasons for concern regarding the ingestion of nanos
Studies have shown that nanomaterials can:
- cross the oral and intestinal barriers and diffuse into the body1See for example:
– Quantitative biokinetics of titanium dioxide nanoparticles after oral application in rats (Part 2), Kreyling WG et al, Nanotoxicology, 11(4):443-453, May 2017: the authors observed the passage of the gastrointestinal barrier for a small fraction of TiO2 in the rat (0.6% of the administered dose), which is found after 7 days accumulated in different organs, mainly, the liver, lungs, kidneys, brain, spleen, uterus and skeleton (cited by the HCSP in its report Review of knowledge on the effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on human health; characterization of population exposure and management measures, April 2018)
– Food additive E171: the first results of oral exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles, INRA, press release, 20 January 2017 and E171: a hazard identified in rats, a risk to be assessed in humans, INRA Sciences & Impacts press release, 1 February 2017: Food-grade TiO2 impairs intestinal and systemic immune homeostasis, initiates preneoplastic lesions and promotes aberrant crypt development in the rat colon, Bettini S et al, Scientific Reports, 7:40373, published online January 20, 2017
– Pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide particles are absorbed into the bloodstream of human volunteers, Pele et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 12:26, September 2015
– Oral exposure to titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles: from crossing the oral and intestinal epithelium to fate and effects in the body, Bettini S and Houdeau E, Biology Today, September 2014
– Titanium dioxide nanoparticle impact and translocation through ex vivo, in vivo and in vitro gut epithelia, Brun E et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 11:13, 2014
– Size and surface charge of gold nanoparticles determine absorption across intestinal barriers and accumulation in secondary target organs after oral administration, Schleh C. et al, Nanotoxicology, 6(1), 36-46, 2012
– Nano- and microparticulate drug carriers for targeting of the inflamed intestinal mucosa, Collnot E.M. et al, J Control Release, 161, 235-46, 2012
– Origin and fate of dietary nanoparticles and microparticles in the gastrointestinal tract, Powell J.J. et al, J Autoimmun, 34, 226-33, 2010 . Studies have also shown that silica or silver nanoparticles agglomerate in water or in acidic environments (such as the stomach) but disperse in the intestine where the pH is neutral: they can then cross the intestinal barrier more easily2See our info sheet The entry points, fate and behavior of nanomaterials in the human body, veillenanos.fr.
- accumulate in the organs3Nanotechnologies and nanoparticles in food and feed, Afssa (now ANSES), March 2009: the digestive tract, liver and spleen are the main target organs. After oral administration of 60 nm silver nanoparticles to rats for 28 days, silver was found in the stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs, testicles, brain and blood: cf. Kim, J.S. et al. Twenty-eight-day oral toxicity, genotoxicity, and gender-related tissue distribution of silver nanoparticles in Sprague-Dawley rats, Inhalation. Toxicol., 20(6), 2008 (digestive tract, liver, spleen but also stomach, kidneys, lungs, testicles, brain), in the blood and inside the cells
- cause disturbances or even harmful effects, particularly on the intestinal microbiota4See for example:
– A systematic review on the effects of nanomaterials on gut microbiota, Utembe W et al, Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 3, 100118, 2022
– Nanoparticles in the Food Industry and Their Impact on Human Gut Microbiome and Diseases, Ghebretatios, M et al., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(4) :1942, 2021
– Impacts of foodborne inorganic nanoparticles on the gut microbiota-immune axis: potential consequences for host health, Lamas B et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 17:19, 2020.
The food additive E171, consisting of particles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) (some of which in nano form), has been banned in 2020 in France and 2022 in Europe because of potential genotoxic effects (DNA damage). In addition, numerous publications report harmful effects on health related to the ingestion of TiO2 nanoparticles: risks for the liver, ovaries and testicles in humans, immune problems and precancerous lesions in the colon in rats, disturbances of the intestinal microbiota, inflammations and alterations of the intestinal barrier in animals as well as in humans, harmful effects on offspring in rodents, etc.
At the end of 2022, Anses published its opinion on the risk assessment of the nanometric fraction of the food additive E171 which points out the lack of toxicological data available to perform a complete assessment of the additive E171 and recommends limiting the uses and exposures of workers and consumers to nanomaterials, “by promoting the use of safe products, free of manufactured nanomaterials, and by limiting these uses to those considered in fine as duly justified and subject to a documented demonstration of risk acceptability”.
→ For more information, check our data sheet Risks associated with the ingestion of titanium dioxide nanoparticles
At the end of 2023, ECHA published the Dutch proposal to classify silica nanoparticles as STOT RE 1, H372: risk of serious effects to organs (or a specific organ) through repeated or prolonged exposure5Cf. https://echa.europa.eu/fr/registry-of-clh-intentions-until-outcome/-/dislist/details/0b0236e1809d3513.
More specifically on food, in October 2024, the European Food & safety agency (EFSA) published a scientific opinion on E5516Cf. Re-evaluation of silicon dioxide (E 551) as a food additive in foods for infants below 16 weeks of age and follow‐up of its re‐evaluation as a food additive for uses in foods for all population groups, EFSA, 17 October 2024. This opinion follows a previous re-evaluation of silica in the form of E551 (nano and non-nano), adopted much later than the original schedule, at the end of 2017, without any definitive conclusions being drawn regarding the safety or toxicity of this additive. A call for data had been opened by EFSA between October 2018 and May 2020 but no conclusive data had been obtained. stating that this food additive, made of amorphous silica nanoparticules does not raise a safety concern.
However, as EFSA explicitly highlights it in its report, major uncertainties remain: there are limited toxicological studies, and the studies considered can inform on the potential toxicity of nanosize aggregates/agglomerates only to a limited extent. EFSA also considers that effects of E551 in predisposing to food allergy and autoimmune-mediated coeliac diseases, deserves further investigation, particularly in humans7See our article Silica nanoparticles could promote gluten intolerance, VeilleNanos, June 2024. Cf. Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice, Lamas B. et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, 132, 2, 2024, DOI : 10.1289/EHP12758.
The precautionary principle should therefore lead to more research on this subject and, pending the results, for amorphous silica nanoparticles to be used only in applications where the benefit/risk balance is genuinely favorable from a societal point of view.
Actually, publications showing harmful effects associated with silica ingestion have now been accumulating for several years, with, among other things, evidence of adverse effects of silica nanoparticles ingestion, notably on the liver, intestines and kidneys, the immune system, and cell division and traffick8See for example:
– Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice, Lamas B. et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, 132, 2, 2024: French and Canadian researchers warned that silica nanoparticles could promote gluten
– Oral Toxicokinetics, Tissue Distribution, and 28-Day Oral Toxicity of Two Differently Manufactured Food Additive Silicon Dioxides, Yoo N-K et al., Int J Mol Sci , 5;23(7) : 4023, April 2022
– Gut microbiome and plasma metabolome changes in rats after oral gavage of nanoparticles: sensitive indicators of possible adverse health effects, Landsiede R et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 19(21), 2022
– Physiological and Behavioral Effects of SiO2 Nanoparticle Ingestion on Daphnia magna, Kim Y et al., Micromachines (Basel), 12(9): 1105, September 2021
– Dietary nanoparticles alter the composition and function of the gut microbiota in mice at dose levels relevant for human exposure, Perez L et al., Food and Chemical Toxicology, 154, August 2021
– Particules dans les additifs alimentaires : quels sont les effets sur la santé digestive ? Focus sur le projet ANR PAIPITO, Entretien avec Marie Carrière (CEA Grenoble), Agence nationale de la recherche, 7 juin 2021
– Oral intake of silica nanoparticles exacerbates intestinal inflammation, Ogawa T et al., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 534(1) : 540-546, January 2021
– Impacts of foodborne inorganic nanoparticles on the gut microbiotaimmune axis: potential consequences for host health, Lamas B et Houdeau E, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 17: 19, 2020
– Hazard identification of pyrogenic synthetic amorphous silica (NM-203) after sub-chronic oral exposure in rat: a multitarget approach, Tassinari R et al., Food Chem Toxicol., 137: 111168, 2020
– Toxicity to RAW264.7 Macrophages of Silica Nanoparticles and the E551 Food Additive, in Combination with Genotoxic Agents, Dussert F et al., Nanomaterials, MDPI, 10 (7) : 1418, 2020 : Silica nanoparticles are likely to carry genotoxic agents on their surface which leads to aggravate their adverse effects on DNA
– Small silica nanoparticles transiently modulate the intestinal permeability by actin cytoskeleton disruption in both Caco‑2 and Caco‑2/HT29‑MTX models, Cornu R et al., Arch Toxicol, 94(4) : 1191-1202, April 2020
– Une exposition orale chronique à l’additif alimentaire E551 (dioxyde de silice) bloque l’induction de la tolérance orale et prédispose à l’intolérance alimentaire chez la souris, Breyner NM et al.. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, novembre 2019
– Chronic oral exposure to synthetic amorphous silica (NM-200) results in renal and liver lesions in mice, Boudard D et al., Kidney International Reports, 2019*
– Risk assessment of silica nanoparticles on liver injury in metabolic syndrome mice induced by fructose, Li J et al., Science of The Total Environment, 628–629 : 366-374, juillet 2018 : “Silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) aggravate liver injury in metabolic syndrome mice ; SiNPs lead to mitochondrial injury in liver ; SiNPs stimulate hepatic ROS generation ; SiNPs lead to hepatic DNA damage”
– Silicon dioxide nanoparticle exposure affects small intestine function in an in vitro model, Guo Z et al, Nanotoxicology, April 2018 : “SiO2 NP exposure significantly affected iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), glucose, and lipid nutrient absorption. Brush border membrane intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) activity was increased in response to nano-SiO2. The barrier function of the intestinal epithelium (…) was significantly decreased in response to chronic exposure. Gene expression and oxidative stress formation analysis showed NP altered the expression levels of nutrient transport proteins, generated reactive oxygen species, and initiated pro-inflammatory signaling. SiO2 NP exposure damaged the brush border membrane by decreasing the number of intestinal microvilli, which decreased the surface area available for nutrient absorption. SiO2 NP exposure at physiologically relevant doses ultimately caused adverse outcomes in an in vitro model”
– MyD88-dependent pro-interleukin-1B induction in dendritic cells exposed to food-grade synthetic amorphous silica, Winckler HC et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 14:21, June 2017
– Food additives: better assessing the risk of nanoparticles, press release, 27 June 2017 ; In-vitro test to assess the risk of nanomaterials in food, Project led by Hanspeter Nägeli, Institute of Veterinary Pharmacy and Toxicology, University of Zurich (Switzerland) between 2012-2015 and National Research Program NRP 64 – Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials – Results, Conclusions and Perspectives – final brochure, Swiss National Science Foundation, March 2017 : having found in vitro that silicon dioxide nanoparticles can generate inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of mice (an attack on the immune defense of the digestive system), the researchers have advocated for less use of silica particles in food
– Molecular mechanisms of silica nanoparticle-induced cell transformation in Bhas cells 42, Anais Kirsch’s thesis, under the supervision of Hervé Schohn, Yves Guichard and Hélène Dubois-Pot Schneider, in preparation at the University of Lorraine, within the framework of Biology, Health, Environment, in partnership with the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy since May 12, 2017 : see the comic book and the video (both made in 2018)
– Amorphous Silica Particles Relevant in Food Industry Influence Cellular Growth and Associated Signaling Pathways in Human Gastric Carcinoma Cells, Wittig A et al, Nanomaterials (Basel), 13;7(1), January 2017
– Critical assessment of toxicological effects of ingested nanoparticles, McCracken C et al, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 3, 256-282, 2016
– Critical review of the safety assessment of nano-structured silica additives in food, Winkler HC et al, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 14:44, June 2016
– Biodistribution, excretion, and toxicity of mesoporous silica nanoparticles after oral administration depend on their shape, Li L et al, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 11(8): 1915-1924, November 2015
–Toxicity, genotoxicity and proinflammatory effects of amorphous nanosilica in the human intestinal Caco-2 cell line, Tarantini A et al, Toxicology in Vitro, 29(2): 398-407, March 2015
–Silica nanoparticle-induced toxicity in mouse lung and liver imaged by electron microscopy, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 2(1): 19-23, 2015
–Novel insights into the risk assessment of the nanomaterial synthetic amorphous silica, additive E551, in food, van Kesteren PCE et al, Nanotoxicology, 2014
–Presence of nanosilica (E551) in commercial food products: TNF-mediated oxidative stress and altered cell cycle progression in human lung fibroblast cells, Cell Biology and Toxicology, February 2014
–Sub-chronic toxicity study in rats orally exposed to nanostructured silica, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 11:8, 2014
– Novel insights into the risk assessment of the nanomaterial synthetic amorphous silica, additive E551, in food, van Kesteren PCE et al, Nanotoxicology, 2014
–In vitro toxicity of amorphous silica nanoparticles in human colon carcinoma cells, Nanotoxicology, 7(3), May 2013
– Presence and risks of nanosilica in food products, Dekkers et al, Nanotoxicology, 5(3): 393-405, 2011 (researchers estimated that we absorb on average about 124 mg of nano-silica (E551) per day)
–Evaluation of the risks associated with nanomaterials for the general population and the environment, Afsset (now ANSES), March 2010
→ See more generally our sheet on risks associated with silica nanoparticles.
*Silica manufacturers and users** have attempted to defend their product by attacking one of these studies, published in 2019; the researchers in question then responded, by a letter to the editor in the same journal, by dispelling one by one the criticisms put forward by the silica manufacturers.
** the Association of Synthetic Amorphous Silica Producers (ASASP), PQ Corporation, Wacker Chemie AG, Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Grace Europe Holding GmbH, Solvay, et Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company.
Silver nanoparticles are present in the additive E174 but also in antibacterial food packaging or containers; silver nanoparticles injected into the blood of rats have been found in the liver, in the nucleus of hepatocytes, and alter the cells of this vital organ9Cf. Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on the Liver and Hepatocytes in vitro, Gaiser B.K. et al, Toxicol. Sci., 2012.
Another study showed that silver nanoparticles administered orally to mice have damaged the epithelial cells and the intestinal glands of rodents and resulted in a decrease in their weight10cf. Toxic effects of repeated oral exposure of silver nanoparticles on small intestine mucosa of mice, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 23(3), March 2013 ;. A disruption of the intestinal flora has also been observed in zebrafish and mice11Cf. Ingestion of metal-nanoparticle contaminated food disrupts endogenous microbiota in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environmental Pollution, 174, March 2013as well as in mice12Dietary silver nanoparticles can disturb the gut microbiota in mice, Van den Brule S et al, Particle and fibre toxicology, 13, 2016 (see abstract and analysis in French here: Effects of silver nanoparticles on bacterial communities, Vernis L., Science Watch Bulletin, n°32, October 2017) fed with food containing silver nanoparticles.
It has also been shown that the ingestion of silver nanoparticles causes permanent alterations in the genome in mice and could therefore lead to cancer13Oral ingestion of silver nanoparticles induces genomic instability and DNA damage in multiple tissues, Nanotoxicology, 2014
See also Exposure to silver nanoparticles induces size- and dose-dependent oxidative stress and cytotoxicity in human colon carcinoma cells, Toxicology in Vitro, 28(7), 1280-1289, October 2014, etc. Other concordant results have been published recently, also showing harmful effects of silver nanoparticles on the kidneys of rats14See for example:
– Oral subchronic exposure to silver nanoparticles causes renal damage through apoptotic impairment and necrotic cell death, Rui Deng et al, Nanotoxicology, 11(5): 671-686, 2017
– Comparative toxicity of silicon dioxide, silver and iron oxide nanoparticles after repeated oral administration to rats, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(6): 681-693, June 2015.
In 2023, French scientists have shown, in E175-exposed femal mice, gut microbiota alterations likely to promote the worsening of metabolic disorders, for example, under an unbalanced diet. They recommend the establishment of toxic reference values for the safe use of gold as food additive (E175) in the human diet15Cf. A 90-day oral exposure to food-grade gold at relevant human doses impacts the gut microbiota and the local immune system in a sex-dependent manner in mice, Evariste L et al., P&FT, 20(27), juillet 2023.
Zinc oxide nanoparticles present on the lining of cans get into the food inside and may lead to poorer nutrient absorption and increased permeability of the gut, transferring unwanted compounds into the bloodstream16See in particular:
– ZnO nanoparticles affect intestinal function in an in vitro modelMoreno-Olivas F et al, Food Funct., 9: 1475-1491, 2018; see French abstract here : Canned foods could be harmful to our digestion, Top Health, April 10, 2018 and here canned foods interfere with digestion,Bio on the Front Page, April 12, 2018..
They can cause an alteration of the metabolism17Cf. “Oxide nanoparticles: what toxicity on intestinal cells?”, work of the CEA-iBEB carried out within the framework of the ANR project AgingNanoTroph, January 3, 2013.
– EFSA Project on the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres. Lot 1, nanocellulose oral exposure: gastrointestinal digestion, nanofibres uptake and local effects, Vincentini O et al., EFSA Supporting publications, September 2023
– Overview of potential adverse health effects of oral exposure to nanocellulose, Brand W et al, Nanotoxicology, 2022
In addition to the health repercussions of nanoparticle ingestion, it should be noted that the environmental risks are also poorly understood and a cause for concern.
Many scientific uncertainties
Much is still unknown today about the impact that ingestion of nanomaterials can have on human health. Oral toxicity studies of nanoparticles are rare and many may have had methodological weaknesses that make their results difficult to use . Experimental conditions still poorly reflect how consumers are actually exposed. The nanomaterials considered are often synthesized in the laboratory and thus different from the nanomaterials (and nanomaterial residues) that consumers actually ingest. In addition, the physicochemical characteristics of the tested nanoparticles and their interactions with the food matrix are insufficiently documented. Nevertheless, progress has recently been made, thanks to improvements in researchers’ practices, tools and protocols.
The complexity of assessing the risks associated with the ingestion of nanomaterials
One of the problems that is likely to remain, however, is the great complexity of assessing the risks associated with the ingestion of nanomaterials: the toxicity of nanoparticles differs according to their physicochemical characteristics (size, shape, degree of agglomeration, etc.). However, these characteristics vary greatly from one nanomaterial to another and can change throughout their life cycle:
- depending on the conditions under which the nanomaterials are synthesized, stored, and possibly coated
- by the transformations they undergo during cooking and preparation of dishes or in the digestive system18Mammalian gastrointestinal tract parameters modulating the integrity, surface properties, and absorption of food-relevant nanomaterials, Bellmann S et al, WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol, 2015 (e.g. contact with the acidic environment of the stomach, etc.)
- during interactions with packaging and/or with other ingredients and chemical substances with which nanomaterials are mixed (before and during ingestion and digestion); for example, a “cocktail effect” with certain other synthetic molecules could occur19Could nanomaterials, combined with other substances, become (more) dangerous? Toxicologists often work by isolating substances, which does not allow them to establish the interaction effects of a plurality of substances entering the body.
In addition, the risk assessment should consider:
- individual susceptibility (stress increases for example intestinal permeability to xenobiotics)20See also E. Houdeau (INRA), “Nanoparticles and the intestinal barrier: understanding the crossing mechanisms” : Diaporama, Crossroads of agronomic innovation (CIAG), November 2012 ; Academic article, Innovations Agronomiques, 24, 105-112, 2012 ;
- the duration and period of exposure21Susceptibility of Young and Adult Rats to the Oral Toxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles, Small, 9(9/10), 2013. According to a 2012 study, children could consume two to four times more titanium than adults through sweets with high levels of titanium dioxide nanoparticles22Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Food and Personal Care Products, Weir A. et al., About. Sci. Technol., 46 (4), pp 2242-2250, 2012.
Since 2009, there has been a broad consensus on the need to strengthen research on the risks associated with ingested nanos
In 2009, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened an expert meeting on the food safety implications of nanotechnology: the report which was published in 2011, lists the research needed to better assess risks in this field.
Since 2009, ANSES has been calling for improved knowledge about the hazards and consumer exposure to nanomaterials. In October 2016, ANSES was asked by its supervisory ministries to study the risks associated with nanoparticles in food, and more specifically:
- to carry out a detailed study of the agri-food sector with regard to the use of nanos in food
- to prioritize the substances and/or end products of interest according to relevant criteria determined during the expertise
- to review the available data (toxicological effects and exposure data)
- and depending on availability, to study the feasibility of a health risk assessment for certain products.
A “working group” (“WG nano food”) composed of independent experts was set up during 2017. The first results of the expertise, initially expected by the end of 201723Response to question No. 85181 by Deputy Yves Daniel, Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights, October 2016; see also. Anses calls for applications from scientific experts to form a working group (WG) “Nanos & Food”, ANSES, January 2017, was published mid-2020 in a report identifying food products that contain (or may contain) nanomaterials24Cf. ANSES, Nanomaterials in food products; collective expertise report, May 2020.
In 2021, ANSES published a second report: a specific guide to assess the health risks of nanomaterials in food that complements the report on the same subject published a few months earlier by EFSA.
At the end of 2022, Anses published its opinion and report on the risk assessment of the nanometric fraction of the food additive E171 which points out the lack of toxicological data available to perform a complete assessment of the additive E171 and recommends limiting the uses and exposures of workers and consumers to nanomaterials, “by promoting the use of safe products, free of manufactured nanomaterials, and by limiting these uses to those considered in fine as duly justified and subject to a documented demonstration of risk acceptability”.
Notwithstanding the broad consensus on the need to strengthen research on the risks of ingested nanomaterials, research is still limited.
Pending conclusive evaluations, marketing of food products containing nanoparticles continues
In the meantime, consumers continue to ingest nanoparticles of titanium dioxide, silica, silver, etc., most often without knowing it, due to the lack of enforcement of the labeling obligation by the industry.
In presenting its risk assessment guide for nanos in food (2021) as well as its opinion and report on the risk assessment of the nanometric fraction of the food additive E171 (2022), Anses reiterated “the need to limit the exposure of workers, consumers and the environment to nanomaterials” and recommended “to favor safe products, free of these substances”.
Certainly, the additive E171 containing nanoparticles of titanium dioxide has been banned in food in France in 2020 and in the European Union in 2022, but it remains authorized for the moment in medicines and cosmetics (despite the fact that in toothpastes or lipsticks and balms for example, it is likely to be ingested).
In the light of these dangers, calls for caution and the precautionary principle
Recommendations of public authorities on nanos in food
Faced with the numerous uncertainties concerning the risks of nanos in food, many public or para-public organizations have issued recommendations concerning the use of nanomaterials or nanotechnologies in the food sector25See in particular the numerous government reports listed in our bibliography. Among the most comprehensive reports is theOpinion on the ethical issues of nanotechnologies in the agri-food sector of the Commission de l’éthique en science et en technologie du Québec published as early as 2011, with nine concrete recommendations that provide a good overview of recommendations issued by various actors in other settings, with the advantage of being relatively well articulated and almost exhaustive here..
These recommendations can be summarized as follows:
- to carry out a scientific and technological watch on nanotechnological applications in the agri-food industry and the associated risks;
- to carry out further research on risks
- to inform the public
- to consult the population
- to develop an interdepartmental exchange of information on the state of scientific knowledge on risks
- to allow public evaluation of the safety and legal framework of the products concerned
- to demand transparency from manufacturers and labeling of the products concerned.
NGOs have been calling for a moratorium on nanos in food for years
Among the NGOs that have spoken out against the use of nanomaterials in everyday consumer products26See among the 51 stakeholder papers from organizations that took a position during the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnology., various NGOs27See in particular the NGO reports listed in our bibliography have specifically called for a moratorium on the use of nanomaterials in food, including:
- at the international level, ETC Group since 2004 in Canada, then Which? in the United Kingdom, Friends of the Earth Australia and USA, As You Sow in the USA
- then in France, from 2009 France Nature Environnement28See the Cahier d’acteur of France Nature Environnement (FNE) entitled “The urgent need to control the risks associated with nanoparticles and nanomaterials!“and produced for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnology FNE explicitly requested a “partial moratorium on nano-objects for non-medical use and in contact, in their normal, general public use, with the human body” (including food products and packaging). or Friends of the Earth, and more recently, from 2016, Agir pour l’Environnement and then AFOC in 2017.
Consumers unwilling to be guinea pigs
In a general context where consumers are increasingly suspicious of industrial food29See for example Alimentation : face aux doutes, les internautes s’organisent, Le Monde, April 15, 2013, the reluctance and distrust of consumers towards nanoparticles in food are growing. In general, consumers expect more transparency and do not want to be “guinea pigs” for nano-food30“Nanotechnologies: all guinea pigs of nano-food?“, Basta!, January 14, 2010. However, they are already, unwillingly, since our food already contains nanomaterials – and not only “virtual” nano objects like those used at INRA for the above-mentioned study conducted in 2011.
Since 2016, the petition “Stop nanoparticles on our plates!” launched by Agir pour l’Environnement, demanding a moratorium on nanoparticles in common food products, has gathered more than 52,000 signatures.
In 2011, INRA researchers concluded that “in situations of uncertainty and controversy, decision-makers should pay particular attention to participatory or deliberative modes of communication”. In this respect, the association Sciences Citoyennes has been campaigning for several years for the setting up of citizens’ conventions whose recommendations should be taken into account by the authorities.
The INRA researchers add that “this communication must be accompanied by a strong policy guaranteeing the safety of nanofoods in a context of mistrust among European consumers“. It remains to be seen who should bear the cost of such a safety policy aimed at reassuring the population about applications whose advantages have yet to be proven and from which the agri-food industry and certain research laboratories seem to be the main beneficiaries: should taxpayers pay or should it be companies hoping to profit from their sales ?
Any questions or comments? This information sheet compiled by AVICENN is intended to be completed and updated. Please feel free to contribute.
Our information sheets to go further
Upcoming Nano Agenda
- 6th interdisciplinary nanoscience congress, dedicated to all academic and industrial scientists in nanoscience and nanotechnology, including researchers, engineers, PhD students, post-docs, etc.
- March 18 to 21, 2025
- Organizers: Centre national de Compétences en Nanosciences du CNRS, C’Nano
- Website: https://cnano2025.sciencesconf.org

- Advanced Characterization Techniques in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- 10th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
- 14 and 15 April 2025
- Website: https://nanomaterialsconference.com

- 7th Environmental nanotechology Gordon Research Conference (GRC)
- Chairs: Peter Vikeslan and Denise Mitrano
- Date: June 1-6, 2025
- Website: https://www.grc.org/environmental-nanotechnology-conference/2025/
Information sheet initially created in May 2013
Notes and references
- 1See for example:
– Quantitative biokinetics of titanium dioxide nanoparticles after oral application in rats (Part 2), Kreyling WG et al, Nanotoxicology, 11(4):443-453, May 2017: the authors observed the passage of the gastrointestinal barrier for a small fraction of TiO2 in the rat (0.6% of the administered dose), which is found after 7 days accumulated in different organs, mainly, the liver, lungs, kidneys, brain, spleen, uterus and skeleton (cited by the HCSP in its report Review of knowledge on the effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on human health; characterization of population exposure and management measures, April 2018)
– Food additive E171: the first results of oral exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles, INRA, press release, 20 January 2017 and E171: a hazard identified in rats, a risk to be assessed in humans, INRA Sciences & Impacts press release, 1 February 2017: Food-grade TiO2 impairs intestinal and systemic immune homeostasis, initiates preneoplastic lesions and promotes aberrant crypt development in the rat colon, Bettini S et al, Scientific Reports, 7:40373, published online January 20, 2017
– Pharmaceutical/food grade titanium dioxide particles are absorbed into the bloodstream of human volunteers, Pele et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 12:26, September 2015
– Oral exposure to titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles: from crossing the oral and intestinal epithelium to fate and effects in the body, Bettini S and Houdeau E, Biology Today, September 2014
– Titanium dioxide nanoparticle impact and translocation through ex vivo, in vivo and in vitro gut epithelia, Brun E et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 11:13, 2014
– Size and surface charge of gold nanoparticles determine absorption across intestinal barriers and accumulation in secondary target organs after oral administration, Schleh C. et al, Nanotoxicology, 6(1), 36-46, 2012
– Nano- and microparticulate drug carriers for targeting of the inflamed intestinal mucosa, Collnot E.M. et al, J Control Release, 161, 235-46, 2012
– Origin and fate of dietary nanoparticles and microparticles in the gastrointestinal tract, Powell J.J. et al, J Autoimmun, 34, 226-33, 2010 - 2See our info sheet The entry points, fate and behavior of nanomaterials in the human body, veillenanos.fr
- 3Nanotechnologies and nanoparticles in food and feed, Afssa (now ANSES), March 2009: the digestive tract, liver and spleen are the main target organs. After oral administration of 60 nm silver nanoparticles to rats for 28 days, silver was found in the stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs, testicles, brain and blood: cf. Kim, J.S. et al. Twenty-eight-day oral toxicity, genotoxicity, and gender-related tissue distribution of silver nanoparticles in Sprague-Dawley rats, Inhalation. Toxicol., 20(6), 2008
- 4See for example:
– A systematic review on the effects of nanomaterials on gut microbiota, Utembe W et al, Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 3, 100118, 2022
– Nanoparticles in the Food Industry and Their Impact on Human Gut Microbiome and Diseases, Ghebretatios, M et al., Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(4) :1942, 2021
– Impacts of foodborne inorganic nanoparticles on the gut microbiota-immune axis: potential consequences for host health, Lamas B et al, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 17:19, 2020 - 5
- 6Cf. Re-evaluation of silicon dioxide (E 551) as a food additive in foods for infants below 16 weeks of age and follow‐up of its re‐evaluation as a food additive for uses in foods for all population groups, EFSA, 17 October 2024. This opinion follows a previous re-evaluation of silica in the form of E551 (nano and non-nano), adopted much later than the original schedule, at the end of 2017, without any definitive conclusions being drawn regarding the safety or toxicity of this additive. A call for data had been opened by EFSA between October 2018 and May 2020 but no conclusive data had been obtained.
- 7See our article Silica nanoparticles could promote gluten intolerance, VeilleNanos, June 2024. Cf. Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice, Lamas B. et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, 132, 2, 2024, DOI : 10.1289/EHP12758
- 8See for example:
– Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice, Lamas B. et al., Environmental Health Perspectives, 132, 2, 2024: French and Canadian researchers warned that silica nanoparticles could promote gluten
– Oral Toxicokinetics, Tissue Distribution, and 28-Day Oral Toxicity of Two Differently Manufactured Food Additive Silicon Dioxides, Yoo N-K et al., Int J Mol Sci , 5;23(7) : 4023, April 2022
– Gut microbiome and plasma metabolome changes in rats after oral gavage of nanoparticles: sensitive indicators of possible adverse health effects, Landsiede R et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 19(21), 2022
– Physiological and Behavioral Effects of SiO2 Nanoparticle Ingestion on Daphnia magna, Kim Y et al., Micromachines (Basel), 12(9): 1105, September 2021
– Dietary nanoparticles alter the composition and function of the gut microbiota in mice at dose levels relevant for human exposure, Perez L et al., Food and Chemical Toxicology, 154, August 2021
– Particules dans les additifs alimentaires : quels sont les effets sur la santé digestive ? Focus sur le projet ANR PAIPITO, Entretien avec Marie Carrière (CEA Grenoble), Agence nationale de la recherche, 7 juin 2021
– Oral intake of silica nanoparticles exacerbates intestinal inflammation, Ogawa T et al., Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 534(1) : 540-546, January 2021
– Impacts of foodborne inorganic nanoparticles on the gut microbiotaimmune axis: potential consequences for host health, Lamas B et Houdeau E, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 17: 19, 2020
– Hazard identification of pyrogenic synthetic amorphous silica (NM-203) after sub-chronic oral exposure in rat: a multitarget approach, Tassinari R et al., Food Chem Toxicol., 137: 111168, 2020
– Toxicity to RAW264.7 Macrophages of Silica Nanoparticles and the E551 Food Additive, in Combination with Genotoxic Agents, Dussert F et al., Nanomaterials, MDPI, 10 (7) : 1418, 2020 : Silica nanoparticles are likely to carry genotoxic agents on their surface which leads to aggravate their adverse effects on DNA
– Small silica nanoparticles transiently modulate the intestinal permeability by actin cytoskeleton disruption in both Caco‑2 and Caco‑2/HT29‑MTX models, Cornu R et al., Arch Toxicol, 94(4) : 1191-1202, April 2020
– Une exposition orale chronique à l’additif alimentaire E551 (dioxyde de silice) bloque l’induction de la tolérance orale et prédispose à l’intolérance alimentaire chez la souris, Breyner NM et al.. Journées Francophones de Nutrition, novembre 2019
– Chronic oral exposure to synthetic amorphous silica (NM-200) results in renal and liver lesions in mice, Boudard D et al., Kidney International Reports, 2019*
– Risk assessment of silica nanoparticles on liver injury in metabolic syndrome mice induced by fructose, Li J et al., Science of The Total Environment, 628–629 : 366-374, juillet 2018 : “Silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) aggravate liver injury in metabolic syndrome mice ; SiNPs lead to mitochondrial injury in liver ; SiNPs stimulate hepatic ROS generation ; SiNPs lead to hepatic DNA damage”
– Silicon dioxide nanoparticle exposure affects small intestine function in an in vitro model, Guo Z et al, Nanotoxicology, April 2018 : “SiO2 NP exposure significantly affected iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), glucose, and lipid nutrient absorption. Brush border membrane intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) activity was increased in response to nano-SiO2. The barrier function of the intestinal epithelium (…) was significantly decreased in response to chronic exposure. Gene expression and oxidative stress formation analysis showed NP altered the expression levels of nutrient transport proteins, generated reactive oxygen species, and initiated pro-inflammatory signaling. SiO2 NP exposure damaged the brush border membrane by decreasing the number of intestinal microvilli, which decreased the surface area available for nutrient absorption. SiO2 NP exposure at physiologically relevant doses ultimately caused adverse outcomes in an in vitro model”
– MyD88-dependent pro-interleukin-1B induction in dendritic cells exposed to food-grade synthetic amorphous silica, Winckler HC et al., Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 14:21, June 2017
– Food additives: better assessing the risk of nanoparticles, press release, 27 June 2017 ; In-vitro test to assess the risk of nanomaterials in food, Project led by Hanspeter Nägeli, Institute of Veterinary Pharmacy and Toxicology, University of Zurich (Switzerland) between 2012-2015 and National Research Program NRP 64 – Opportunities and Risks of Nanomaterials – Results, Conclusions and Perspectives – final brochure, Swiss National Science Foundation, March 2017 : having found in vitro that silicon dioxide nanoparticles can generate inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of mice (an attack on the immune defense of the digestive system), the researchers have advocated for less use of silica particles in food
– Molecular mechanisms of silica nanoparticle-induced cell transformation in Bhas cells 42, Anais Kirsch’s thesis, under the supervision of Hervé Schohn, Yves Guichard and Hélène Dubois-Pot Schneider, in preparation at the University of Lorraine, within the framework of Biology, Health, Environment, in partnership with the Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy since May 12, 2017 : see the comic book and the video (both made in 2018)
– Amorphous Silica Particles Relevant in Food Industry Influence Cellular Growth and Associated Signaling Pathways in Human Gastric Carcinoma Cells, Wittig A et al, Nanomaterials (Basel), 13;7(1), January 2017
– Critical assessment of toxicological effects of ingested nanoparticles, McCracken C et al, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 3, 256-282, 2016
– Critical review of the safety assessment of nano-structured silica additives in food, Winkler HC et al, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 14:44, June 2016
– Biodistribution, excretion, and toxicity of mesoporous silica nanoparticles after oral administration depend on their shape, Li L et al, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 11(8): 1915-1924, November 2015
–Toxicity, genotoxicity and proinflammatory effects of amorphous nanosilica in the human intestinal Caco-2 cell line, Tarantini A et al, Toxicology in Vitro, 29(2): 398-407, March 2015
–Silica nanoparticle-induced toxicity in mouse lung and liver imaged by electron microscopy, Fundamental Toxicological Sciences, 2(1): 19-23, 2015
–Novel insights into the risk assessment of the nanomaterial synthetic amorphous silica, additive E551, in food, van Kesteren PCE et al, Nanotoxicology, 2014
–Presence of nanosilica (E551) in commercial food products: TNF-mediated oxidative stress and altered cell cycle progression in human lung fibroblast cells, Cell Biology and Toxicology, February 2014
–Sub-chronic toxicity study in rats orally exposed to nanostructured silica, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 11:8, 2014
– Novel insights into the risk assessment of the nanomaterial synthetic amorphous silica, additive E551, in food, van Kesteren PCE et al, Nanotoxicology, 2014
–In vitro toxicity of amorphous silica nanoparticles in human colon carcinoma cells, Nanotoxicology, 7(3), May 2013
– Presence and risks of nanosilica in food products, Dekkers et al, Nanotoxicology, 5(3): 393-405, 2011 (researchers estimated that we absorb on average about 124 mg of nano-silica (E551) per day)
–Evaluation of the risks associated with nanomaterials for the general population and the environment, Afsset (now ANSES), March 2010
→ See more generally our sheet on risks associated with silica nanoparticles.
*Silica manufacturers and users** have attempted to defend their product by attacking one of these studies, published in 2019; the researchers in question then responded, by a letter to the editor in the same journal, by dispelling one by one the criticisms put forward by the silica manufacturers.
** the Association of Synthetic Amorphous Silica Producers (ASASP), PQ Corporation, Wacker Chemie AG, Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Grace Europe Holding GmbH, Solvay, et Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company - 9Cf. Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on the Liver and Hepatocytes in vitro, Gaiser B.K. et al, Toxicol. Sci., 2012
- 10cf. Toxic effects of repeated oral exposure of silver nanoparticles on small intestine mucosa of mice, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 23(3), March 2013 ;
- 11Cf. Ingestion of metal-nanoparticle contaminated food disrupts endogenous microbiota in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environmental Pollution, 174, March 2013
- 12Dietary silver nanoparticles can disturb the gut microbiota in mice, Van den Brule S et al, Particle and fibre toxicology, 13, 2016 (see abstract and analysis in French here: Effects of silver nanoparticles on bacterial communities, Vernis L., Science Watch Bulletin, n°32, October 2017)
- 13Oral ingestion of silver nanoparticles induces genomic instability and DNA damage in multiple tissues, Nanotoxicology, 2014
See also Exposure to silver nanoparticles induces size- and dose-dependent oxidative stress and cytotoxicity in human colon carcinoma cells, Toxicology in Vitro, 28(7), 1280-1289, October 2014 - 14See for example:
– Oral subchronic exposure to silver nanoparticles causes renal damage through apoptotic impairment and necrotic cell death, Rui Deng et al, Nanotoxicology, 11(5): 671-686, 2017
– Comparative toxicity of silicon dioxide, silver and iron oxide nanoparticles after repeated oral administration to rats, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 35(6): 681-693, June 2015 - 15Cf. A 90-day oral exposure to food-grade gold at relevant human doses impacts the gut microbiota and the local immune system in a sex-dependent manner in mice, Evariste L et al., P&FT, 20(27), juillet 2023
- 16See in particular:
– ZnO nanoparticles affect intestinal function in an in vitro modelMoreno-Olivas F et al, Food Funct., 9: 1475-1491, 2018; see French abstract here : Canned foods could be harmful to our digestion, Top Health, April 10, 2018 and here canned foods interfere with digestion,Bio on the Front Page, April 12, 2018. - 17Cf. “Oxide nanoparticles: what toxicity on intestinal cells?”, work of the CEA-iBEB carried out within the framework of the ANR project AgingNanoTroph, January 3, 2013
- 18Mammalian gastrointestinal tract parameters modulating the integrity, surface properties, and absorption of food-relevant nanomaterials, Bellmann S et al, WIREs Nanomed Nanobiotechnol, 2015
- 19Could nanomaterials, combined with other substances, become (more) dangerous? Toxicologists often work by isolating substances, which does not allow them to establish the interaction effects of a plurality of substances entering the body
- 20See also E. Houdeau (INRA), “Nanoparticles and the intestinal barrier: understanding the crossing mechanisms” : Diaporama, Crossroads of agronomic innovation (CIAG), November 2012 ; Academic article, Innovations Agronomiques, 24, 105-112, 2012 ;
- 21
- 22Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Food and Personal Care Products, Weir A. et al., About. Sci. Technol., 46 (4), pp 2242-2250, 2012
- 23Response to question No. 85181 by Deputy Yves Daniel, Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights, October 2016; see also. Anses calls for applications from scientific experts to form a working group (WG) “Nanos & Food”, ANSES, January 2017
- 24Cf. ANSES, Nanomaterials in food products; collective expertise report, May 2020
- 25See in particular the numerous government reports listed in our bibliography. Among the most comprehensive reports is theOpinion on the ethical issues of nanotechnologies in the agri-food sector of the Commission de l’éthique en science et en technologie du Québec published as early as 2011, with nine concrete recommendations that provide a good overview of recommendations issued by various actors in other settings, with the advantage of being relatively well articulated and almost exhaustive here.
- 26See among the 51 stakeholder papers from organizations that took a position during the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnology.
- 27See in particular the NGO reports listed in our bibliography
- 28See the Cahier d’acteur of France Nature Environnement (FNE) entitled “The urgent need to control the risks associated with nanoparticles and nanomaterials!“and produced for the 2009-2010 national public debate on nanotechnology FNE explicitly requested a “partial moratorium on nano-objects for non-medical use and in contact, in their normal, general public use, with the human body” (including food products and packaging).
- 29See for example Alimentation : face aux doutes, les internautes s’organisent, Le Monde, April 15, 2013
- 30“Nanotechnologies: all guinea pigs of nano-food?“, Basta!, January 14, 2010